Quick Thought: If Even CBS Is Saying It…

by Skip

If CBS is saying it, do ya think something is starting to drive them nuts? Or, do you think this might be a disinformation ploy?

Related: The Horrible Legacy of NH Democrats

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The polls that had Biden up by high single digits to double digits are flipping.

If there were two weeks left in the campaign with this trend, I might feel a bit better (and yes, the polls all seem to be all over the place across the map – much more tomorrow). But the fact that a couple of polls the last couple of days have put Trump first in the battleground states have turned into more is a positive sign.

However, the field is ripe for vote-by-mail with “totes full of ballots” to come out when needed vs being wheeled out at the right time – and not for the Republican (NEVER for the Republican – we’ve seen this stunt before).

But still, this is the first time I’ve seen one of the networks putting this out there.

As Glenn keeps saying: “Don’t get cocky, kid” – make sure you get out and vote and bring your families and friends!

(H/T: Instapundit)

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