Breaking: RealClearPolitics has just pulled Pennsylvania 20 electoral votes from Biden (now at 259)

by Skip

RealClearPolitics is a very respected name in politics and they do protect their reputation. Thus, they have just withdrawn the 20 votes from Pennsylvania from Biden’s total – he is no LONGER “President-Elect”. Look below, left side – Biden is now only at 259. He has no longer “won” the race at this time. Shades of Dewey vs Truman???

RCP 2020-11-09

The race is up for grabs. That’s a big deal – the first major “inside baseball” media outlet that has realized that the smoke that the rest of the MSM has been waving in our faces can’t stand a breeze.

Is the entire gig up? Dunno and I don’t know if they’ll reassign it back but what IS sure is that this mail-by-vote schmaltz is dripping all over the floor. Watch – the MSM is going to go double time to cover this up (just like they did with Biden Jr.’s laptop).

Worst hit: all of the turncoat Republicans that have been up in arms that Trump wouldn’t concede “gracefully”.  Frankly, they don’t even know what this means or stands for:


Trump doesn’t need one – his is made of titanium.

BTW, I just heard this on NewsMax – I am yet another former Fox News watcher. Screw your base and we can say “screw you”.

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