Really Jeanne Shaheen – using a Constitutional mechanism is bordering “sedition or treason”???

by Skip

You’re either off your rocker, following in Dementia Joe’s thoughtprints, or your “kindly Grandma” mask just dropped like a slug of depleted uranium. Seriously, Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) decides to join with US Rep Mo Brook in invoking the Congressional Power (and responsibility) to challenge the Electoral College results and you cry “TREASON! SEDITION!” – both of which carry the Death penalty? Who knew about this side of you during the campaign? What other evils are hiding behind that mask?

And here I was so naive to believe that you were against the Death penalty, given your silence in the matter when other NH Democrats were repealing the said result in the case of that guilty cop killer, Michael Addison.

Yet, over a perfectly good and legal mechanism, due to someone willing to stand politically to your Chosen Ones (Dementia Joe and the Powers that will be actually wielded by Commie Kamala), you want Republicans in front of a firing squad like

Good way to start 2021 – and we’re supposed to believe your campaign rhetoric about “working across the aisle”?

Yeah, just another lying politician where Power is the only thing that matters. And you’ll whatever you have to gain and keep it. Happy New Year. Aren’t you the angry one. Along with Senator Chris Murphy, that unhinged Democrat from CT – why, it’s almost like talking points being passed around freely – and undermining our Republic in a more insidious way. But then again, Power.

BTW, dear, did you say the same thing when then Democrat US Senator Barbara Boxer did the same thing in 2004?

Just another Democrat hack. Happy New Year…

(H/T: RedState)

UPDATE: Oops – forgot I had these as well:

Dem Senator Says Those Who Refuse to Acknowledge Biden Win Are ‘Bordering on Sedition and Treason’

“Each of us who are serving as senators took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. One of the most fundamental principles of the Constitution is the peaceful transition of power,” Shaheen said during an interview with CNN Friday.

She added, “These senators and members of Congress who have refused to acknowledge that we had a free and fair election in which Joe Biden beat Donald Trump by over 7 million votes, are bordering on sedition and treason.”

(H/T: IJR)

Shaheen said, “Each of us who are serving — Tuberville has been elected but not sworn in — each of us serving as senators took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. One of the most fundamental principles of the Constitution is the peaceful transition of power. These senators and members of Congress who have refused to acknowledge that we had a free and fair election, in which Joe Biden beat Donald Trump by over 7 million votes, are bordering on sedition and treason in thinking that they are going to overturn a duly elected president.”

She added, “It is just unfathomable to me how these elected representatives can be refusing to accept the peaceful transition of power. I think they should be sanctioned.”

(H/T: Brietbart)

Notice that in all instances, Grandma Jeanne is all about the “refusal to accept peaceful transition of power”. I dryly note that not once have I seen or heard anything about following the Constitutional process when such disputes occur. I wonder why she is doing that? It’s not like we Normal people can’t just read our Founding document and figure out what the entire process is, right? And other Democrats have disputed Presidential elections where Republicans won the office – why isn’t she mentioning that, either?

No, she just wants those who disagree with her dead. That’s the penalty for treason or sedition.

But that’s how the Democrats roll – ANY dissent (because it isn’t patriotic anymore, I guess) is a crime of the highest sort – they just can’t stand that others stand up against them.

Methinks she’s reading too much of Orwell’s 1984; she’s taking it, not for the warning it was supposed to be, but a How-To book.

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