Ed Naile

Remembering Ed Naile

In January of last year, we lost a long-time activist and friend, Ed Naile. Ed inspired many as both the Chairman of the Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers and a contributor to these pages.

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ReOpenNH Concord Rally – MicroInterview with Ed Naile

by Skip

Ed Naile is the Chair of the Coalition of NH Taxpayers (CNHT) and has been around a LONG time helping out watchdogs and whistleblower type citizens and helping them to correct what they believe to be municipal malfeasance. Here he’s got a nice little story to tell: Please subscribe to our Youtube Channel – either … Read more


CNHT Picnic – Closing Remarks and Beatboxing

by Skip

All good things come to an end and so did the Picnic, so here are the QUICK closing remarks: A self-serving note, if I might.  Because of a very generous donor, we’ve been able to refresh and expand all of our technologies – including our new PA system which Ed references above. I think this … Read more


CNHT Picnic – The Advocacy Groups Part 1

by Skip

In addition to the candidates for various offices, the Annual CNHT Picnic is also about the various Conservative advocacy groups that cover a number of issues.  The next few posts will show their speakers: Coalition of NH Taxpayers – Ed Naile Get Involved PAC – Chris Maidment: The Patriot Initiative – Josh Moore NH Right … Read more


603 Summit: Ed Naile, Chair of the Coalition of NH Taxpayers

by Skip

And NH Voter Fraud hunter supreme!  And Voter Fraud was the topic of his speech at the 603 Alliance’s “Liberty trumps Socialism”. Liberty – is there Liberty if your vote is stolen from you by those that are ineligible to vote in your town and in your State?

CNHT Taxpayer Family Reunion Picnic – Ed Naile, Chair of CNHT

by Skip

Ed is the Chair of the Coalition of NH Taxpayers who puts on the Annual Picnic (aka, “Old Home Day for Conservatives). For decades, he and CNHT have been champions for taxpayer issues be they local (e.g., fighting the “good ole’ boys” networks in small NH towns, or local school boards / municipal committees that have gone off the “RSA reservation”, or local politicians seeking to enrich themselves as taxpayers expense) or state-wide (the foremost expert of voter fraud in NH).  In fact, that’s how he led off

After the jump are the other videos, especially about Keith Hanson and The Winslows (and what the town they live in is doing to them illegally):

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Memorandum of Law Supra

New Hampshire FlagTo: New Hampshire State Supreme Court
From: Coalition of NH Taxpayers Chairman, Ed Naile
8 North Main St. Concord, NH 03301
Re: Court Review of NH Election Law Legislation
Date: May 29, 2018

Statement of Facts:

New Hampshire has a practice of allowing citizens of other states to vote in New Hampshire during our General Elections, which includes elections for Federal office. This practice has increased in volume since the adoption of same day registration in 1996. Any person, from any state, who has attained the age of 18 can simply show proof identity to register to vote in New Hampshire, including a current, valid, out-of-state driver’s license. The registrant simply signs an affidavit as per RSA 654:12. It is known as a: QUALIFIED VOTER AFFIDAVIT.

The Attorney General’s Office, Elections Division, is tasked with enforcing election laws as per RSA 7:6 c. This office may prosecute – at its discretion.

There has been a decades old state of confusion regarding the terms “domicile” and “resident” which has been the source of several lawsuits regarding out-of-state college voters and transient campaign workers who choose to vote in New Hampshire instead of their legal residence in their home state.

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CNHT Taxpayer Family Reunion Picnic – The video!

by Skip

CNHTActually, a whole bunch of videos – 32 to be exact.  That’s a lot of candidates and advocacy group that made their pitch to the assembled “family” members who were plentiful on Saturday (yes, it took me a day to process them.  Please note that “backups” were used to stitch things together as best as possible as sometime techie things didn’t quit go right as planned – apologies in advance). But hey, this is one of the main missions of the ‘Grok in doing the citizen journalism that the mainstream media refuses to do.

So, let’s start in the middle of the event and go right to the Chairman of CNHT’s first address to the crowd – Voter Fraud:

And we’ll circle back to the beginning of the event with the intro ceremonies including opening remarks by Keith Hanson, radio personality and host at WNTK (and now, a new Grokster!):

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CNHT Taxpayer Family Reunion Picnic – Candidates for NH Governor

by Skip

No, current GOP Governor Chris Sununu (only candidate in the NH GOP primary) was a no-show at this event (was it something we all said at an earlier “conservative Old Home Day meeting” that never happened?) but a potential rival did show up (albeit, late in the day) – Aaron Day and came well prepared to speak: … Read more

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