Today: Grok at the CNHT Taxpayer Family Reunion Picnic

Snoopy Sopwith Camel, crash and burn
Is the new equipment ready to ‘fly’ or will it crash and burn?

With almost no time to prepare we will be taking a test flight of some new equipment at this years CNHT Annual Taxpayer Family Reunion Picnic in Hillsborough. If you are there, and you should be, we’ll be (most likely) set up in the far left corner from the main entrance (by the emergency exit).

Come watch Skip wrinkle his brow as he looks over the top of his glasses and fusses with all the new stuff.

You can also meet and greet, rub elbows with taxpayer advocates, candidates (see what I did there), activists, the 603 Alliance and a lot of other groups will have tables at this must-attend event. And maybe you’ll hear me tell my ‘heart attack story’ for the 700th time.

We will have some old-reliable stuff there as well to ensure we capture something we can share with those who missed a moment or missed the whole thing. But we recommend that you attend. This is CNHT’s only fundraiser, and you’ll be helping them continue their good work.

The event begins at noon and runs till 3 pm at the Young-Richardson American Legion Post #59 – 538 W Main St., Hillsborough, New Hampshire 03244.

Be sure to stop by and say hello.

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