The Obama campaign has released it’s "trailer" for the 2012 campaign movie called "I’m In." I’m not, but since they sent it to me I figured I’d watch it. Jim Messina, Obama’s campaign manager, clues us in, and the first slide he shows us is this one.
My mind translated these five points into "truths" almost immediately–which is what encouraged me to write this post.
1. Register more illegal aliens, cartoon characters, and dead people.
2. Make up more names–useful as both voters and undisclosed credit card donors.
3. Use that money to buy more astroturfers.
4. Figure out if we need to register more fake names, and get more illegal contributions to buy more astroturfers.
5. If we don’t think we can steal it just intimidate whitey–no one will prosecute.
So right out of the gate we’ve got possibilities. Unfortunately, the remaining discussion and slides, while exciting to whatever Obamazombies may still have the juice to lie and deceive for dear leader, and more like an Amway sales pitch with lots of talk about how new and different this campaign is, but how they’ll have to do the same things they did before–just better.
One problem. Obama has a record that his supporters and the media cannot hide. So be prepared to listen to the horde of left wing liars as they spread like a disease across your neighborhood to sell Obama 2.0.
My suggestion? Ask them the questions the media never did. Challenge every assumption. give them facts, and send them away crying behind their clip-boards.
The entire video is available on the jump.
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