If the economy is getting better…(Part 5)

No room for small business to grow on the Obama Plantation
No room for small business to grow on the Obama Plantation

…then why has the number of self-employed Americans fallen by more than 2 million?

It’s one thing to say you support small business, but Democrats attaching the word jobs, small-business, or main-street to every bill that comes out of congress doesn’t make it happen.  But after 2008 every press release about every vote manged to shoe-horn in some BS about how that vote would help put Americans back to work.  Really?

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If the economy is getting better…(Part 2)

…then why is the average duration of unemployment in this country close to an all-time record high?unemployment duration

With six million less jobs, thanks to Obama’s so-called recovery policies, should we be surprised that the average duration of unemployment is at or near a record high?  If you pollute the employment market, making it inhospitable to job creation–lets call it Obamagenic Employment Cooling–you have fertilized the field for long term despair.

(Full size Graph on the jump.)

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Data Point – What is the real Unemployment Rate?

“In the grey line, Nomura economists have adjusted the unemployment rate for the number of discouraged workers who have left the labor force and therefore count as unemployed in this alternative measure. (And yes, they do take into account demographic trends by age group that would influence those leaving, the largest of which is retiring … Read more

If the Economy is Getting Better….

…then why are there 6 million less jobs in America today than there were before the recession started?Obama blowed up all the jobs

This is a serious problem.  The people inside the blue bubbles and left wing ghettos can shout whatever number they want, but people are still out of work and underemployed.   Their quality of life, and standard of living are in shambles.  People who did not lose their jobs are trying to make stagnant or declining wages go further as inflation rises.  Claiming the unemployment rate has dropped makes for a great sound bite, but it doesn’t pay the bills, and neither do government hand outs.

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Quick thought on a line from Obama’s political hack, David Axelrod

On Meet The Press, David Axelrod had this to say about Romney and Bain Capital: His philosophy suggests that his emphasis is on creating profit for himself and his partners and his investors and not creating jobs. Er, that would be right.  Socialists believe that the primary role of companies is to supply jobs.  Progressives … Read more

Obama – every day…

(H/T: RedState)

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Data Point – Results of Obama’s economic leadership

Certainly, as the chart shows, his policies are causing the US to fall below the average trendline. (H/T:  The EnterpriseBlog)

Data Point – Prime spenders to decrease….

“…pointed us to this worrying trend.  The alarm is being sound by Harry Dent, who notes that the demographic of those in their peak spending years (age 46 to 50) has been on the decline since 2009. Based on Census data, this trend should continue until 2022.  This is is bad news when you consider … Read more

Data Point – Which is a bigger headache for small biz – taxes or regulations.

Well, look at the slope!  Which one is trending upward faster? That would be the GREEN line.  Oh look – what event happened in early 2009, I wonder…. (H/T: The Enterprise Blog)

GrokTV Event: Ron Paul – Q6 & Q7: Abolishing the Dept. Education and will lowering corporate taxes bring jobs back to US?

Still trying to play catch up here: Intro Ceremonies and Question 1, Questions 2 & 3, and Questions 4 & 5Now, Questions 6 and 7!

Question 6 (which was asked by a young girl): you are going to abolish 3 Departments including the Department of Education; how are you going to replace them?  I believe the underlying “gotcha” question was “and how will I get a decent education if the Feds are not involved?” (an adult formulated question, I presume):

Question 7: How will lowering corporate taxes bring back jobs to the US where many corporations already don’t pay [income] taxes?

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GrokTV Event: Ron Paul – Q4 & Q5: Job numbers just came out; are we out of the woods? What will you do about Alzheimers?

Continuing more with questions – but now from the audience:

Unemployment numbers just came out – are we now coming out of the woods?

Alzheimers steals billions of productivity from this nation – what will you do about it?

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Talk about Failed Policies of the past…

…he only can be recognised as a true Socialist who adheres to the struggle of classes. According to this conception, the wish of one class constitutes law; audacious minorities will oppress intimidated majorities, and the social war is to rage permanently.

Lay Off Notice

To compensate for these increases,our prices would have to increase by about 10%. But since we cannot increase our prices right now due to the dismal state of the economy, we will have to lay off sixty of our employees instead.

Bernanke’s Bender

Bernanke sober- or so it seems(Note:This arrived in my mail box unattributed, but I have discovered that it is from The Onion.  I have edited any questionable language by replacing letters with asterisks.  This image is not associated with the article at The Onion.)
SEWARD, NE—Claiming he wasn’t afraid to let everyone in attendance know about "the real mess we’re in," Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke reportedly got drunk Tuesday and told everyone at Elwood’s Corner Tavern about how absolutely f****d the U.S. economy actually is.
Bernanke, who sources confirmed was "totally sloshed," arrived at the drinking establishment at approximately 5:30 p.m., ensconced himself upon a bar stool, and consumed several bottles of Miller High Life and a half-dozen shots of whiskey while loudly proclaiming to any patron who would listen that the economic outlook was "pretty goddamned awful if you want the God’s honest truth."
"Look, they don’t want anyone except for the Washington, D.C. bigwigs to know how bad shit really is," said Bernanke, slurring his words as he spoke. "Mounting debt exacerbated—and not relieved—by unchecked consumption, spiraling interest rates, and the grim realities of an inevitable worldwide energy crisis are projected to leave our entire economy in the sh****r for, like, a generation, man, I’m telling you."

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What’s Left Is Right – Should Obama Just Resign?

Admit it. It has crossed your mind. Obama should resign. Save us all the embarrassment of another stupid speech or the next pandering expose by the propaganda media. And just think of all the money the left would have to spend on a primary, instead of just shoving it all into Barry’s re-election cubby?

Cartoon of the day 5-25-11

  Cartoonist- Chip Bok  

Obama Gas – Does He Own This Too?

original image deleted

Obama – Campaign 2012 Prep-Talk!

Obama%202012.JPGThe Obama campaign has released it’s "trailer" for the 2012 campaign movie called "I’m In."  I’m not, but since they sent it to me I figured I’d watch it. Jim Messina, Obama’s campaign manager, clues us in, and the first slide he shows us is this one.

My mind translated these five points into "truths" almost immediately–which is what encouraged me to write this post.

1. Register more illegal aliens, cartoon characters, and dead people.

2. Make up more names–useful as both voters and undisclosed credit card donors.

3.  Use that money to buy more astroturfers.

4.  Figure out if we need to register more fake names, and get more illegal contributions to buy more astroturfers.

5. If we don’t think we can steal it just intimidate whitey–no one will prosecute.

So right out of the gate we’ve got possibilities.  Unfortunately, the remaining discussion and slides, while exciting to whatever Obamazombies may still have the juice to lie and deceive for dear leader, and more like an Amway sales pitch with lots of talk about how new and different this campaign is, but how they’ll have to do the same things they did before–just better.

One problem.  Obama has a record that his supporters and the media cannot hide.  So be prepared to listen to the horde of left wing liars as they spread like a disease across your neighborhood to sell Obama 2.0.

My suggestion?  Ask them the questions the media never did.  Challenge every assumption.  give them facts, and send them away crying behind their clip-boards.

The entire video is available on the jump.

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Obama- A Bad Investment Whose Turn is Running Out.

They promised jobs, cars, peace, good health, they’d save our homes, make peace with the world, and create a clean energy future. No more infighting, partisanship, dirty politics, special interests running things–nothing but sunshine and happiness.

Brunelle’s Road To Damascus Moment?

Road%20To%20Damascus.jpgAfter four years of defending the democrat budgeting strategy of spend first tax later (during what any democrat worth his donkeys-ass referred to endlessly as the ‘worst recession in history’), NHDP executive director and NH House rep from Manchester Mike Brunelle shows us his new conservative streak.

“No matter who you are, Republican or Democrat, you were elected to work on the economy and jobs. I don’t think the people of Manchester want them to be dealing with these social issues,” said Brunelle. “We need to be focused on the working families in this state. … Anything other than that is beyond frivolous.”

It is all part of their new strategy, as I pointed out here yesterday…

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