Good going Obama (and your pernicious pack of Progressives!)

The Global Competitive Report fr 2012-2013 has bad news for the US – it seems that Obama’s policy of Determined Weakness is succeeding:

…This year’s Report features a record number of 144 economies, and thus continues to be the most comprehensive assessment of its kind. It contains a detailed profile for each of the economies included in the study as well as an extensive section of data tables with global rankings covering over 100 indicators. This Report remains the flagship publication within the Forum’s Global Benchmarking Network, which produces a number of research studies that mirror the increased integration and complexity of the world economy.

And where is the US in all this?  I would say that this is a big “Oopsies” bordering on “Major FacePalm” – am betting Obama and his cohort that dream of a de-industrialized US are beaming with pride (“status OK, everything proceeding as planned!”):

We used to be first.  Last year: 5th.  Now: 7th.  Given the economy and the way that the Obamanauts go about setting their industrial policy (as IF the Government is SUPPOSED to set that – oh wait, that was in the former USSR, right?  THAT worked out so spectacularly well, eh?), we should be surprised?

What did they measure and what were those items that is causing us to have a less free economy?

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Economic Dunce!

Oh, that’s right – he is the Blameless One! (H/T: Liberal Logic 101)

Real Unemployment at 19%…

Wynton Hall at wrote this.  I’m just sharing it. Consider the following 11 economic facts: 1.  When you include the underutilized labor figure with the eight million Americans who have lost hope altogether and stopped looking for a job, real unemployment now stands at just under 19 percent. 2.  If the labor force were … Read more

Are You Better Off or “We are the 56%”

Gallup reports that 56% of Swing State voters do not believe they are better off than they were four years ago, rising from an Obama low of 54% but not yet nearing the Oct/Nov 2011 high of 60%.   A majority of those claiming they are not better off blame Mr. Obama, but not by a lot.  Plenty of blame for both Obama and Bush, with some still only blaming Bush.

So I guess we are the 56%.

better off- Are you better off than 3 years ago?
We are the 56%

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How To Keep An Economy Down..

It is hard to beat the annual burden of government regulation for keeping the economy down.  It’s also a great way to keep unemployment up.  If Businesses have to spend more money to comply with regulations there is less to invest in the business or more employees.  And what’s even better is that this…(see chart on the jump)…is something the government did create.  Forty-six billion dollars ($46,000,000,000.00) in new additional regulatory costs per year!, heaped on business owners–during a recession– thanks to Barry “Big Bureaucracy” Obama…in just three years.

(I wonder if the idea came out of one of those job summit break-out session?)

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Notable Quote – Milton Friedman (on the occasion of the birth of this Nobel Prize winning economist)

What the market does is to reduce greatly the range of issues that must be decided through political means, and thereby to minimize the extent to which government need participate directly in the game.  The characteristic feature of action through political channels is that it tends to require or enforce substantial conformity.  The great advantage … Read more

Irony – do you see it?

Aw, cry me a river of tears!  I got this from a friend (wink, wink) from the National Director for Socialist Youths division of the Democrat Socialists of America.  Does anyone else see the irony in the plea ( reformatted, emphasis mine) Invest Your Socialist Cash in the Future: Youth Scholarship Fund Running Low If … Read more

THIS is the end result of creating a modern “welfare state”

You voted for it, over and over. You wanted “free stuff” from the government. You thought “we’re a rich country, we can afford it.” You have voted crooks and fraudsters into power again and again. Now you will face the result of creating a so-called “welfare state.” Enjoy the future, suckers.

I know I’m President, And This is Crazy…

The Song ‘Call me Maybe’ by Carly Rae Jepsen, has created quite a meme following.  I figured I’d add the noise. (Feel free to replace the word ‘Economy’ with any other suitable word.  And you could even change ‘Bush’ to ‘Romney’ depending on the day. I know I’m President And this is Crazy, But the … Read more

Axelrod – Can’t Fake Economic Optimism

When you cannot speak from a point of principle you will inevitable contradict yourself.  Democrats do it often.  And here’s David Axelrod (circa 1994) telling us that a sitting President shouldn’t fake economic optimism.  And certainly not from the 9th hole. Advice he seems to have forgotten to give to President Obama…and himself (Circa 2012). … Read more

Is this starting to show that Obama isn’t a good enough manager of the economy?

Obama-Unemployment May 2012As if we already didn’t know it.  He keeps blaming Bush for the economy he inherited; I remember the economy that Reagan inherited too.  Reagan merely said “let’s get down to working at making it work” and produced one of the (if not THE) largest recoveries ever in US history.  It did take a while, but he didn’t whine about things the way that Obama has.  In three and a half years, the only time he has acknowledged that he would be held accountable is when he said “If I don’t have this done in three years, there is going to be a one term proposition“.

They why does he keep insisting “HEY!  It’s NOT MY FAULT”?  It has been one excuse after another: Bush, Europe, the weather, a tsumani, Republicans (even as he “owned” Congress as Democrats controlled it before he was elected  and for his first two years) and at a cost of over $800 Billion.  Meanwhile, the latest jobs report yesterday shows his Administration’s continued ineptitude in setting up and implementing the policies in the best way to help American families: setting those conditions that make it easiest to get a job.

People don’t like whiners, Mr. President, they want results.  I understand that Government does not create jobs – it does, simply because of its size and its rule / law ability, set the environment that tells others the conditions under which they can operate and thus, decide to hire.  What the market is saying is “Mr President, we find your environment wanting, and wanting too much from us in believing you will do the right things.  Thus, we will wait”.  Now, one month upwards is not a trend, but it is indicative that even a President and all the smartest Progressive ideas can implement a command and control system that would truly meet the needs of the nation’s businesses that are, in turn,  supposed to meet the needs of over 300 million consumers.

I expect that soon, Mr. Obama will soon revert to bashing business for “not caring about American families” by hiring the unemployed” and continuing his class warfare scorched earth policies.  Bashing may indeed be a campaign strategy but it is not an economic one – too bad (for all of us) that Obama doesn’t understand the difference.

The problem is that there are just 6 months left in this campaign – while most people DON’T want to get involved in politics, they are paying attention to the economics coming up to the vote.  And they will do the one thing that often Liberals decry – they will vote their self-interest and their wallets.  Politics is fine but for most, taking care of their family is job one.  And they will ensure that the person best suited to enable that will get the nod.

And this above result is not going to cement the feeling that Obama is up to the job.

(H/T: Instapundit)

The hard data:

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Piling on Jeanne Shaheen’s Greenie green suck

And as Steve points out here (and mine), being Green means having LOTS of green – and just watching it swirl down the toilet (data points via The Enterprise Blog):

  • …candidate Obama promised to create 5 million green jobs, at the low, low cost of only $15 billion per year
  • Obama spent $90 billion of his stimulus package on green energy projects, including weatherization of buildings and development of electric vehicles. Yet, by the end of last year, just 16,100 people landed new jobs in the so-called green industry, Labor Department statistics show, far short of the 200,000 jobs the White House projected it would help create each year.
  • It is amazing to see just how badly the government can do at these things: 16,000 jobs out of 200,000 predicted is about 8%—a mere 92% underperformance rate.

Steve had this observation:

New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen cut her teeth in her first Senate race by raging about taxpayer hand outs to big oil

So, what does this do to her campaign strategy –  Did Obama just skewer a rerun of her campaign issue against big oil again (NY Times):

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Data Point – Long term unemployment

President Obama has blamed his predecessor, President Bush, for three and a half years on the economy “we inherited”.  Thoughts: I don’t remember President Reagan complaining suchly about his predecessor, President Jimmy Carter And for such a brilliant man (Punahoe, Columbia, Harvard), is this an admission that he is not a sufficiently good enough manager … Read more

Data Point – Because “Obama isn’t working”, lots of Americans are not

(H/T: Business Insider) (H/T: CNN) NOTE: the economy has to grow by 250,000 to 300,00 jobs / month  just to stay even with population growth. “Obama – isn’t working” means Obama’s Administration has not put the right policies for the economy to achieve that – nor does it seem interested in doing that either. Unemployment … Read more

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