Irony – do you see it?

Aw, cry me a river of tears!  I got this from a friend (wink, wink) from the National Director for Socialist Youths division of the Democrat Socialists of America.  Does anyone else see the irony in the plea ( reformatted, emphasis mine) Invest Your Socialist Cash in the Future: Youth Scholarship Fund Running Low If … Read more

Just in time for the national election: This needs to go VIRAL

Sign up to stay updated about a new film by the incomparable Tom Woods of the Ludwig Von Mises Institute and author of “Meltdown”. Get an idea of what it’s all about:

THIS is the end result of creating a modern “welfare state”

You voted for it, over and over. You wanted “free stuff” from the government. You thought “we’re a rich country, we can afford it.” You have voted crooks and fraudsters into power again and again. Now you will face the result of creating a so-called “welfare state.” Enjoy the future, suckers.

I know I’m President, And This is Crazy…

The Song ‘Call me Maybe’ by Carly Rae Jepsen, has created quite a meme following.  I figured I’d add the noise. (Feel free to replace the word ‘Economy’ with any other suitable word.  And you could even change ‘Bush’ to ‘Romney’ depending on the day. I know I’m President And this is Crazy, But the … Read more

Axelrod – Can’t Fake Economic Optimism

When you cannot speak from a point of principle you will inevitable contradict yourself.  Democrats do it often.  And here’s David Axelrod (circa 1994) telling us that a sitting President shouldn’t fake economic optimism.  And certainly not from the 9th hole. Advice he seems to have forgotten to give to President Obama…and himself (Circa 2012). … Read more

Really? Reuters writing a Romney campaign reel?

Hell.  Ice.  Wow! Really, Reuters, a liberal oriented news org did a quick clip for Romney’s campaign? Yikes! (H/T:  The Enterprise Blog)

Is this starting to show that Obama isn’t a good enough manager of the economy?

Obama-Unemployment May 2012As if we already didn’t know it.  He keeps blaming Bush for the economy he inherited; I remember the economy that Reagan inherited too.  Reagan merely said “let’s get down to working at making it work” and produced one of the (if not THE) largest recoveries ever in US history.  It did take a while, but he didn’t whine about things the way that Obama has.  In three and a half years, the only time he has acknowledged that he would be held accountable is when he said “If I don’t have this done in three years, there is going to be a one term proposition“.

They why does he keep insisting “HEY!  It’s NOT MY FAULT”?  It has been one excuse after another: Bush, Europe, the weather, a tsumani, Republicans (even as he “owned” Congress as Democrats controlled it before he was elected  and for his first two years) and at a cost of over $800 Billion.  Meanwhile, the latest jobs report yesterday shows his Administration’s continued ineptitude in setting up and implementing the policies in the best way to help American families: setting those conditions that make it easiest to get a job.

People don’t like whiners, Mr. President, they want results.  I understand that Government does not create jobs – it does, simply because of its size and its rule / law ability, set the environment that tells others the conditions under which they can operate and thus, decide to hire.  What the market is saying is “Mr President, we find your environment wanting, and wanting too much from us in believing you will do the right things.  Thus, we will wait”.  Now, one month upwards is not a trend, but it is indicative that even a President and all the smartest Progressive ideas can implement a command and control system that would truly meet the needs of the nation’s businesses that are, in turn,  supposed to meet the needs of over 300 million consumers.

I expect that soon, Mr. Obama will soon revert to bashing business for “not caring about American families” by hiring the unemployed” and continuing his class warfare scorched earth policies.  Bashing may indeed be a campaign strategy but it is not an economic one – too bad (for all of us) that Obama doesn’t understand the difference.

The problem is that there are just 6 months left in this campaign – while most people DON’T want to get involved in politics, they are paying attention to the economics coming up to the vote.  And they will do the one thing that often Liberals decry – they will vote their self-interest and their wallets.  Politics is fine but for most, taking care of their family is job one.  And they will ensure that the person best suited to enable that will get the nod.

And this above result is not going to cement the feeling that Obama is up to the job.

(H/T: Instapundit)

The hard data:

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So, you inherited a recession – doesn’t look you know how to fix it, President obama?

No, he’s not a good enough manager.  Nor a leader.  While the previous chart is bad enough, this one (and previous incarnations have been posted on the ‘Grok before), shows his stewardship of the economy relative to his predecessors.  While he has claimed that his time as President is as good as these others: I … Read more

Piling on Jeanne Shaheen’s Greenie green suck

And as Steve points out here (and mine), being Green means having LOTS of green – and just watching it swirl down the toilet (data points via The Enterprise Blog):

  • …candidate Obama promised to create 5 million green jobs, at the low, low cost of only $15 billion per year
  • Obama spent $90 billion of his stimulus package on green energy projects, including weatherization of buildings and development of electric vehicles. Yet, by the end of last year, just 16,100 people landed new jobs in the so-called green industry, Labor Department statistics show, far short of the 200,000 jobs the White House projected it would help create each year.
  • It is amazing to see just how badly the government can do at these things: 16,000 jobs out of 200,000 predicted is about 8%—a mere 92% underperformance rate.

Steve had this observation:

New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen cut her teeth in her first Senate race by raging about taxpayer hand outs to big oil

So, what does this do to her campaign strategy –  Did Obama just skewer a rerun of her campaign issue against big oil again (NY Times):

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Data Point – Long term unemployment

President Obama has blamed his predecessor, President Bush, for three and a half years on the economy “we inherited”.  Thoughts: I don’t remember President Reagan complaining suchly about his predecessor, President Jimmy Carter And for such a brilliant man (Punahoe, Columbia, Harvard), is this an admission that he is not a sufficiently good enough manager … Read more

Data Point – Because “Obama isn’t working”, lots of Americans are not

(H/T: Business Insider) (H/T: CNN) NOTE: the economy has to grow by 250,000 to 300,00 jobs / month  just to stay even with population growth. “Obama – isn’t working” means Obama’s Administration has not put the right policies for the economy to achieve that – nor does it seem interested in doing that either. Unemployment … Read more

Data Point – there’s a reason why Apple is the most highly valued company in the world

Capitalism – Supplying the needs of others at the prices they are willing to spend. (H/T: Gizmodo)

What about the New Hampshire Budget?

New Hampshire Democrats are like three year oldsOne of the major themes of the New Hampshire Democrats is that the current New Hampshire Republican majority is not focusing enough on the budget and the economy, and spending too much time on other issues.   But this is an understandable position for leftists.

When the Democrats ran the entire state for four years, every session (almost every week) was about the budget, and how they had to raise more revenue.   The reason for that is that their estimates were always so distant from reality, and their over spending so profligate, that they could not help but be obsessed, at every opportunity, with trying to fix a mess of their own making.  The budget (and the economy)–how they might milk more taxes and fees out of the taxpayers or regulate and tax local businesses–was always on the agenda, often into the small hours of the morning of the day after the day they were supposed to have this all worked out by law.  So Democrat stewardship of the budget and the economy was one long, constant, cluster-***k.   (With what time they could spend ducking their budget woes wasted on trying to stomp out free speech, socializing medicine, scaring off more business, and a long laundry list of other nonsense too long to regurgitate here.)

The Republican majority, on the other hand, doing what you do at the grown-up table, already took care of  all that business in the first session.   Budget, estimates, revenues, done.   No last minute nonsense, no late night sessions.  No passing bills without hearings or making up taxes or fees they would later have to rescind–whose revenue they would then also have to “find” again and again…  and no Rube Goldbergian accounting tricks, or counting money from this year for that year, or adding in the potential sale of things like land that you will never actually sell.  None of that.

The Democrats hate the Republicans for that.

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Speaking of the modern Democrat Party roots, here’s one of their results

When you give the reins of power, you have done so because of their rhetoric.  What you actually end up with is the results of their philosophy.  Like their actions not reflecting their rhetoric: Obama PROMISED, his minions PROMISED that the Stimulus would keep more Americans off the dole and gainfully employed if we just. … Read more

Smart Girl Politics Action: “They don’t speak for us”

Smart Girl Politics Action launches “They Don’t Speak for Us” asking women to put the conversation back on real issues important to women. Women are forced everyday to make sacrifices and its time that we put pressure on Congress and this Administration to stop playing games and get back to work for the American people. … Read more

Data Point – US Manufacturing is far from dead

We hear all the time that US manufacturing has died or that it has all been moved off-shore.  Nonsense – we only got real good (and very productive) at it.  In this, it is now following Agriculture (used to be 9 out of 10 Americans were needed to grow all the food we needed – … Read more

How About Those Gas Prices?

“As you know, the government takes 40 percent of what you make. The other 60 percent, of course, taken by the gas stations.” — Jay Leno

Is this You?Been to a Gas Station Lately? Prices have spiked markedly in the last two weeks. For those of us driving Sport Utility Vehicles the effect is most pronounced. Just this week it cost nearly eighty dollars to fill my Ford Explorer’s fuel tank. It was nearly a year ago when President Obama quipped,

“If you’re complaining about the price of gas, and you’re only getting 8 miles to the gallon… you may wanna think about a trade-in”

Yes. I’s an SUV….but show me a “clown car” with the performance benefits of an SUV. Fact is, there isn’t one. It appears that Obama believes middle America has the means to expend all the funds necessary to lower gasoline costs and improve efficiency. The President may well be right, but he overlooks the considerable cost one has to undertake to achieve that end.

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Data Point – more young adults living in their parents home under Obama than ever before

(H/T: Powerline)

If the economy is getting better…(Part 7)

Obama Economy down the 'Toilet'…then why does median household income keep declining?  Overall, median household income in the United States has declined by a total of 6.8% since December 2007 once you account for inflation.

The only thing rising is debt. (Along with real unemployment, poverty…etc)

Household debt is rising because people are out of work and trying to get by on credit.  The national debt is rising because Obama lied about cutting the deficit and Democrats have added trillions to it in just a few years.  Debt we cannot pay for with more debt.

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If the economy is getting better…(Part 6)

Children in poverty Rising under Obama
Full size graph on the jump

…then why has the number of children living in poverty in America risen for four years in a row?

Isn’t it all about the children?  It is.  And in a startling bit of irony, according to the Foundation for Child Development at least, the number of children living with families at or below the poverty line, has risen about 4-5% since the year of Obama, to around 21%.  The irony is that 20% is equal to the number of American families on the Obama Plantation who are trying to live on some kind of government support.

It hasn’t been this high since 1992/93.

So if the economy is getting better, why are so many people still being forced into government assistance programs, and how can pro-government Democrats continue to insist that these programs do anything but entrench people in poverty?

Better implies moving towards a desired goal.  Are they trying to suggest that this is the kind of economy they were waiting for?

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