Not Even A Passable Fraud

Matt has a nice post up at Red Hampshire revealing the disconnect between reality and the fantasy of Paul Hodes.  He provides us with a mid-debate tweet from the Hodes campaign…


Credit: Red Hampshire


…and then offers us the evidence that Hodes is lying about it by posting the AFT press release refuting Hodes.

This is all fine for what it is worth.   But what interests me more is that this tweet contradicts his own campaign focus and reveals the fundamental flaws of a liberal democrat like Paul Hodes.  These are not the words of any fiscal conservative I know.

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Destroying The Future Of America

Image Credit: Mattox Firearms school.comDemocrats continue to insist that they created jobs.  To do this they extracted trillions from our economic future in an effort to create jobs that did not yet exist–that perhaps were  not needed yet.  Looking at similar exercises, cash for clunkers–which moved car sales forward a few months but has since resulted in a collapse in the market; the home mortgage bail outs, supports, credits, and the "home affordable" programs which improved home sales briefly but which have since collapsed (also to historic lows); and then there’s the stimulus, several public sector employee bailouts, bank lending infusions, small business bills, and everything in between including health care reform–many trillions spent, all made with claims that they would create, save, or incentivize job creation.

Lets concede the possibility that some jobs were saved or created with money from the future.  Let’s also, for academic purposes,  concede the number of 1.4 million-3.3 million jobs saved or created ( quote from Paul Hodes campaign if that matters).  What happens now?  Even if we can agree to these figures the mathematical reality is that despite these efforts, and at great expense, we still lost more jobs than we saved or created.  Millions are still unemployed with hundreds of thousands more people working less, working shorter hours, or who have given up looking altogether just in the 12 months since someone declared the recession over.  We got a net sum loss with the price of admission, and that debt is now looming over our ability to sustain or improve the job picture moving forward because of the Faustian fiscal political calculation the democrats made in what now appears to be a series of vote getting scams gone horribly wrong.

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The Only Possibility For A Jobless Recovery

To use my sinking ship analogy from last year, for every 1000 folks he’s got bailing out the ship that were not helping before, ten thousand have slowed down or stopped bailing altogether. Paint all the rosy pictures you like, the end result is that the same. Obama’s economic ship is sinking faster.


It’s time to put an end to Lynch’s Idea Of Leadership

The economic slowdown has reduced electricity consumption and with it, the cost of carbon credits, but that is temporarily keeping the current Lynch broad-based energy tax low.

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Tax Cuts To Stimulate The Economy

I guess the democrats “progressed” away from what works for the nation, to what works for the ruling class. H/T Big

How To Save The World–Vote Out Democrats

The economic relationship between government, the private sector, and the people, has been the object of much debate as democrats try to convince people that spending trillions we don’t have has some kind of payoff at the other end. The fact that we can’t see that "end" and none of their predictions have come true fuels the fires of the opposition while encouraging proponents to claim we just need to wait a bit longer–or spend a few trillion more.

So here’s the rub.

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Wreckovery Summer

H/T Red State


I have hypothesized, not all tongue in cheek, that the Obama administration is doing everything it can think of to start some kind of public unrest to justify more government infringement of some kind, preferably before the November elections.  And to be honest, it’s far fetched, and even wild speculation, but why does this guy … Read more

Swett Turns A Phrase


In a recent email to supporters Katrina Swett puts a new spin on the thousand pound gorilla in the room.  The gorilla is the economy and K-Swett appears to have looked to the east for inspiration.  She also spelled the word “lose” wrong.  Figure out where yourself I have a blog to write. 

The new turn of phrase, and we could be seeing this rebranding from all the debt-o-crats in the very near future because they to spin things, is to ‘rebalance the economy.’  “Rebalance the economy?”  (As in less government more freedom?)  Not exactly.  In Ms. Swett’s application she would like to rebalance the economy so that it works for us not just big corporations.  Oh, see it’s those big corporations again.    

Funny thing but this is exactly how the UK’s liberal democrats are using it.  They’ve had this plan to use the government to rebalance the relationship between the people and small and big business in the hope that quaint little shops will compete better and who knows, perhaps even sprout up like mushrooms on Britain’s debt ridden ass.  The means of such fairness appear to be to tax the big shops more.  Rebalancing ala Obama’s spread the wealth around a bit?

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Drop Dead Fed

In the most recent issue of National Review Gary Wolfram, Professors of Economics and Public Policy at Hillsdale College wrote this in regard to Mises and Hayek’s Austrian business-cycle theory.


""This theory emphasizes the role of the interest rate in bringing together the plans of producers and consumers. The interest rate is the price of loanable funds — in effect, the price of money — and, like the price of any good or service, it gives producers information about consumers’ behavior and the actions of other producers. For example, if consumers wish to save — to put their money in banks, which lend it out — they will increase the supply of loanable funds, putting downward pressure on the interest rate. Producers can then borrow that money cheaply and invest in capital goods such as machinery, factories, and housing — which they can use to create goods for consumers to buy in the future with the money they have saved. Thus do producers and consumers arrive at the equilibrium interest rate, which matches producers’ plans to invest in capital goods with consumers’ desire to save.

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You Must Claim To Have Balance Daniel-san

State Senator Maggie "the red" Hassan had a puff piece in the New Hampshire Sunday News to defend the NH democrats “balanced Budget.”  We can tell right away that Ms. Hassan is going to take us on a fanciful journey because of her opening clause.  “Scarce resources make for difficult budgets…”  It is from this … Read more

Why The Stimulus Had To Fail

It’s simple economics.  Government money comes from taxpayers.  The more government spends the more it relies on taxpayers to pay for its spending.  The less money taxpayers have the smaller the economy will be the fewer jobs there are, which means less income, less taxes, more debt.  The stimulus, the huge budget bills, the massive … Read more

No 3% Solution In Hillsborough

When it becomes evident that they have exceeded our mandate or entered into agreements which have or will become fiscally untenable, the officials charged with representing the taxpayers interest must endeavor to introduce savings and efficiencies that limit the fiscal impact of those tasks before they overcome the ability of reasonable men and women to sustain them.

One Hell Of A Wild Ride

There is always speculation about the state of the economy and plenty of people–mostly middle left–have looked at the goat entrails and pronounced a recovery underway if for no other reason than that they want to.   More than a few folks disagree, and it is fair to say that to some small degree the  opinion is … Read more

Is It Getting Colder?

Something you won’t find in your daily broadsheet or on any of the more fashionable cable news channels is a paper presented by a prominent geologist at the 4th international conference on Climate Change in Chicago.  In it, Dr. Don Easterbrook warns of us of imminent global cooling. (oh boy!)

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