…then why are there 6 million less jobs in America today than there were before the recession started?
This is a serious problem. The people inside the blue bubbles and left wing ghettos can shout whatever number they want, but people are still out of work and underemployed. Their quality of life, and standard of living are in shambles. People who did not lose their jobs are trying to make stagnant or declining wages go further as inflation rises. Claiming the unemployment rate has dropped makes for a great sound bite, but it doesn’t pay the bills, and neither do government hand outs.
Real wages and incomes have been falling so steadily under Obama and his confused, throwback, Keynesian/neo-Marxist Obamanomics, that the Census Bureau also reported that real median family income in America has fallen all the way back to 1996 levels.
Compare Obama’s lack of a recovery 2 ½ years after the recession ended with the first 2 ½ years of the Reagan recovery. In those years under Reagan, the American economy created 8 million new jobs, the unemployment rate fell by 3.6 percentage points, real wages and incomes were jumping, and poverty had reversed an upsurge started under Carter, beginning a long term decline.
Read the whole thing. Arm yourself with knowledge. The Democrats cannot live without power so they will say anything to get it, and keep it. Every number they spins is spun hard. Millions of people are out of work. And Obama’s “solutions” have prolonged the suffering. More Obama will just mean more suffering.