Obama- A Bad Investment Whose Turn is Running Out.

Steve MacDonald

Obama fingerLet’s say, hypothetically, that everything sucks because of George Bush.  Hypothetically.  So back in 2008 we gave the democrats complete control of the government.  They had it all.  And they promised us everything.  They promised jobs, cars, peace, good health, they’d save our homes, make peace with the world, and create a clean energy future.  No more infighting, partisanship, dirty politics, special interests running things–nothing but sunshine and happiness.

To achieve this they accumulated the greatest minds, to surround the guy they said was the greatest mind–Obama–so that the promise could be fulfilled. They then told us we would need to invest in that future, so they spent trillions.  Trillions is a lot.  In fact the Obama democrats spent more in two years than the entire nation had in the 230 plus years before that, all put together. 

So what did we get for our money?

Nothing. The world still hates us–and now they think we are incompetent to boot for electing a delusional moron.   Unemployment is still way above that ceiling of 8% the experts told us we’d never breach, years after they told us we wouldn’t breach it.  And fewer people are even bothering to look for work than at any point in the past 25 years.  Housing prices still suck.  Energy is getting more expensive.  Food costs more.  The government is still run by lobbyists and special interests, and there is even a massive shadow cabinet to be influenced further without any oversight.   Gitmo is still open, and using military tribunals.  We are still in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Race is more of a problem–because of Obama.  Every crisis produces five different messages about the administrations intent or priorities while the golfer in chief continues to vote present, making the occasional lofty speech about this or that, between flicking sod out from between the cleats on his golf shoes and washing his ball.  (Or does Secret Service wash his balls for him when he’s playing a round?)

So what’s my point?

There has to be a warranty on these things.  I want a refund.  I didn’t even choose this clueless, voting present, vacation taking, party throwing, couldn’t lead a scout troop let a lone a nation of a partisan douch-bag, but I’m still paying for him. Him and his entire, violent, full of you know what Union agenda. 

And you can’t tell me that the consumer protection agency, or any of those boards of committees created to protect us, do not have a clause that permits us to return this turkey for a replacement or a credit or something?

Ladies and gentlemen, no matter what you think of the guy, or how much you want him to be any or all the things he has been made out to be, he hasn’t managed to be any of them.  We made a cultural investment on bad advice.  It is time to support another change.  Or more appropriately, to continue to support the change we started in November 2010.  Away from the policies of Obama and the democrats who would support them.  We cannot replace the guy just yet, but we can remember why we should, and support those who will stop his agenda, even if it is not always exactly how we would like it done.

Until then your state does have the right to nullification of unconstitutional acts by the general government.  It may be your ONLY defense against the overreach of this administration and any other, of either party.  Learn about it, support it, and encourage it.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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