Economy Archives - Page 17 of 43 - Granite Grok



CATO: NH Ranks #2 in the Nation for Economic Freedoms

CATO’s Freedom in the 50 States is out, and as usual, New Hampshire Ranks near the top. This year’s survey put the Granite State at number two for economic and social freedom, behind Florida, but notes that New Hampshire is the most improved state overall.

Economic Complexity

Notable Quote- information, information, information

It is because a modern economy is so complex that nobody can know all the facts that it could not effectively be guided by a central plan but must be conducted on the basis of decentralization of decisions.

WuFlu GDP decline in 2020 2nd quarter

Data Point – OrangeManBad didn’t do too badly on the economy

…but this graphic is worth breaking out, especially since there are some people trying to claim that the U.S. response has been uniquely bad because #OrangeManBad. The U.S. has done much better than its peer and near-peer nations at limiting economic damage, and it’s done so without maintaining a higher death rate — in fact, …

Data Point – OrangeManBad didn’t do too badly on the economy Read More »

US Debt

Uh-Oh: If True, This Will Make our Current Economy Look Rather Rosy

And so it finally begins? Emphasis mine, reformatted: ‘U.S. Gets a Debt Warning From Fitch as Stimulus Battle Rages.’ (Bloomberg) One of the world’s major credit-rating companies fired a warning shot regarding the U.S.’s worsening public finances on Friday…