New Hampshire has a Law Enforcement commission now. Governor Sununu made it appear with the stroke of a pen. They are going to evaluate “policing” and junk to make sure there’s no systemic racism or something.
“Biden’s” Department of Homeland Security May Restart Border Wall Construction
Whoever is Running the Biden Administration (WRBA) instructed Joe to cancel the national emergency at the border. This had three immediate effects. First, it stopped the siphoning of money from unrelated and unused Department of Defense accounts for border security. Second, it created a national emergency at the border.
DHS Begs (NH Democrats) To Rush to the Southern Border to Help with Humanitarian Crisis They Created
When it became clear that Democrats were running things, central American caravans formed, swelled, and crept inexorably toward our southern border. Massive tendrils of humanity weaving their super-spreading selves across Mexico. DHS is overwhelmed. They are begging for help.
House Democrat’s Impeachment 2.0 Zepplin Crashes and Burns
Before impeachment 1.0 even got to the US Senate, House Democrats were likely formulating sequels. Bride of Impeachment. Gender-confused son of Impeachment. Racially sensitive transwoman of impeachment. Peaches and Impeachment cream.
Senator Jeannie Flat-Out LIES About the ANTIFA Riots and … as Always … WMUR Gives Her a Pass.
This: Let’s start with the “w/o ID” LIE: Next, the “indiscriminately detain” LIE: And, finally, the “unwarranted use of law enforcement” LIE: So … everything in Senator Jeannie’s tweet is a lie … and … crickets from WMUR and the other so-called local press … because they aren’t really press at all.
Breaking: SCOTUS Votes 8-1 to Sustain Trump’s Remain in Mexico Policy
The US Supreme Court is getting tired of this, to be sure. Emergency stay requests are at a historical high. But then, so are the number of ridiculously partisan lower court rulings that cause them. The latest being the Remain in Mexico Policy.
Former Obama Era DHS Inspector General Indicted for Theft and Fraud
Inspectors General (IG) are supposed to be the watchdogs of federal agencies. But this Obama era IG (2011-2013) is alleged to have used his office as IG of the Department of Homeland Security for personal profit at your expense.
Source: Dead Terrorism Expert Philip Haney’s “Files” are Intact and in ‘The Right Hands’
It won’t be the first time we’ve said this, but we hear things. Typically they are local things, but this is national. Former Obama Whistleblower Philip Haney was found dead by an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. Apparently, he had some files? here to talk about his “files.”
Maggie “Biggest Network Breach in Senate History” Hassan Sponsors Cybersecurity Bill
What is it with Democrats and network security issues? The Awan brothers. The DNC Hack. Podesta’s emails. Hillary and her unsecured server. And New Hampshire Senator Maggie Hassan, who had her Senate Office hacked. Not by Russians, but by Doxxing Democrat staffers.
DHS Trolls Media On 100 Miles Of New Border Wall
In a perfect world you, whomever you are, can drive the news cycle. Donald Trump is better at it than anyone. That includes setting them up to drive the news cycle. You say something. The knee-jerk left says the opposite. You make them look like a fool.
$50 Billion in Waste: Tunisian Democracy, Abandoned Mental Hospitals, and the Pakistani Film Industry
Dr. Rand Paul, Senator from Kentucky, is slightly famous for his routine “Waste Reports” he publishes. The reports highlight gross misuse of federal tax dollars. Generally, Senator Paul highlights the most absurd, random, and wasteful uses of your tax money. His 2019 Summer Edition of The Waste Report just came out! Panamanian Frog Mating Calls … Read more
Acting Director of DHS Allegedly Leaked Planned ICE Deportation Raids to the Press
The acting head of the Department of Homeland Security Kevin McAleenan is implicated in a press leak that undermined a planned raid by ICE officials to detain and deport up to 2000 know illegal aliens living in the Interior US.
Trump Donates Portion of Salary to Department of Homeland Security
Democrats like to talk about giving back to the government, You know, the thing to which we all belong. But in the background, they are hiding their assets and hoarding their money. By giving they mean some of their time for which they expect to be generously compensated.
Family Separation Week – Trump Gives DHS Discretion “to the extent permitted by law”
Via an Executive Order titled, “Affording Congress an Opportunity to Address Family Separation,” Mr. Trump has instructed relevant Federal agencies lead by the Department of Homeland Security that they,
(a) … , shall, to the extent permitted by law and subject to the availability of appropriations, maintain custody of alien families during the pendency of any criminal improper entry or immigration proceedings involving their members.
(b) The Secretary shall not, however, detain an alien family together when there is a concern that detention of an alien child with the child’s alien parent would pose a risk to the child’s welfare.
What does this mean for Family Separation Week?
What’s Real and What Isn’t
Sometimes posting the news can appear to be a real endorsement. Not true. We clear that up then work over the impending imposition by DHS of Real ID rules upon Granite Staters, a Federal mandate the Democrats in New Hampshire nullified back in 2007.
Just a Quick Note To The Democrat Enablers…
There are more than a few people making excuses for the recent scandals involving the Benghazi cover up, the AP phone scandal and the IRS. Without laboring the point these are just the latest of those we know about. The point I want to make is this: Are the people excusing or dismissing this behavior because … Read more
GAO to Investigate Ammunition Stockpiling By Federal Agencies
The Government accountability office (GAO) has begun looking into why the Obama administration is arming agencies with enough ammo to sustain the average war for 27 years? Good question. We’ve been wondering that ourselves. Why would a guy who claimed that the country needed a civilian national security force be arming the department of education, and…as you’ll hear in the video on the jump, fisheries agents who apparently need 46,000 rounds of hollow points to…do some redneck fishin’ ?
Hollow points?
More ammunition than the military needs for almost three decades of heavy fighting in Iraq? Hmmm. Federal agencies need 80 years worth of “practice” ammo? If it were a Republican president creating a civilian national security force would Democrats be dirtying their Maggie Hassan supplied adult diapers so quickly that they couldn’t change them fast enough? You bet. But this is Obama. Any suggestion that he might actually be arming a civilian security force–see also: a personal army–well that would be crazy talk.
But the GAO wants to know. And we can’t wait for the leaks to begin about how the Obama Admin is trying to pressure them to back off.
Great video on the jump–from of all places, USNews online.
Obama’s Army….Only Following Executive Orders
Is Obama’s “Civilian National Security Force” being staged and supplied under our very noses? “We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” – BHO, Colorado, … Read more
From The Edge of Sequestration – About Those Job Cuts…
We’ve been warned of tainted food as the FDA furloughs workers, thinning ranks as border agents get let go, and fewer Federal prosecutors, and don’t forget about those FAA employees that have to be let go. So why, in the age of sequesteria, has the Federal Government posted job opening to fill 2,596 positions in just the past ten days? … Read more
From The Edge Of Sequestration…Another Update
The Edge Of Sequestration. Sounds like a Soap Opera, but then it is. Take the TSA for example. Janet Napolitano promised we would suffer if Sequestration were allowed to take effect as workers were furloughed. Wait-times at airports would skyrocket because of these budget cuts.
While you’re waiting in those longer lines that may or may not exist, you’ll have extra time to admire the new uniforms TSA bought just before the sequester hit. DHS signed a $50 million deal to buy uniforms just before the sequester hit, some of which will be made in Mexico.
At least the TSA is giving jobs to Mexicans that Americans wont do…in Mexico. And back in the US, no one is reporting an increase in delays.