GAO to Investigate Ammunition Stockpiling By Federal Agencies

AmmoThe Government accountability office (GAO) has begun looking into why the Obama administration is arming agencies with enough ammo to sustain the average war for 27 years?  Good question.  We’ve been wondering that ourselves.  Why would a guy who claimed that the country needed a civilian national security force be arming the department of education, and…as you’ll hear in the video on the jump, fisheries agents who apparently need 46,000 rounds of hollow points to…do some redneck fishin’ ?

Hollow points?

More ammunition than the military needs for almost three decades of heavy fighting in Iraq?  Hmmm.  Federal agencies need 80 years worth of “practice” ammo?  If it were a Republican president creating a civilian national security force would Democrats be dirtying their Maggie Hassan supplied adult diapers so quickly that they couldn’t change them fast enough?  You bet.  But this is Obama.  Any suggestion that he might actually be arming a civilian security force–see also: a personal army–well that would be crazy talk.

But the GAO wants to know.  And we can’t wait for the leaks to begin about how the Obama Admin is trying to pressure them to back off.

Great video on the jump–from of all places, USNews online.


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