GraniteGrok Endorsement: Dennis Lamare for US Congress

by Skip

Like Rick Parent, Dennis Lamare ran in the last cycle for US Congress.  Like Rick, he decided to run for US Congress again, this time in New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District against Progressive Republican, Charlie Bass.  Like Rick, he is MUCH improved with regards to the issues, where his foundational principles come from, where he … Read more

GrokTV Event – Seacoast Republican Women Congressional Forum – Question 6

by Skip

And now for the last question of the night, formulated by Stella Scamman (moderator for the evening’s Seacoast Republican Women Congressional Forum).  The Candidates for this last question were in attendance were Rick Parent & Vern Clough vying for the Republican nomination in NH 1st Congressional District and   Will Dean & Dennis Lamare (“NO SHOWS” were Congressmen Frank “Stiffing the SRW at the last moment” Guinta and Charlie “It’s not worth my time” Bass).

Question 6: Are you aware of the UN Agenda 21 and if you are, what would you do to kill it?

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GrokTV Event – Seacoast Republican Women Congressional Forum – Question 5- Nationalizing Education Standards?

by Skip

For the cost of our educational system at the K-12 levels, our results are deplorable.  No Child Left Behind was an attempt to “fix” that with uneven results (and unions screaming that they should not be judged or evaluated by their pupils results).  Now, Fed. Ed. Sec. Arne Duncan, with his Race To the Top, is trying to institute an even more Top Down Federalization of education by “hijacking” what is known as the Common Core Standards with “awards” (or is that handcuffs?) of Federal money.  Is this something that NH should be in, or should local control be preeminent?

Question 5: What is your opinion of the Common Core Standards that the Federal Govt is suggesting as a national curriculum?

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GrokTV Event – Seacoast Republican Women Congressional Forum – Question 4

by Skip

To recap: five of the questions asked of the Candidates at the Seacoast Republican Women Congressional Forum were contributed before and during the event by the actual attendees with the lone exception of the last Question by Stella Scamman, the moderator.  The Candidates answering were:

NH First Congressional District – Rick Parent, Vern Clough                           NH Second Congressional District  – Will Dean, Dennis Lamare

“NO SHOWS”: Incumbents Congressmen Frank “Stiffing the SRW at the last moment” Guinta and Charlie “It’s not worth my time” Bass.

Much has been made of the annual debt (now all of the years of Obama’s Presidency have had $1 Trillion deficits) and the debt, but little on how to pay that $16 Trillion debt (which soars to over $130 Trillion if you count unfunded future liabilities) – Question 4: How will you work to reduce the debt limit?

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GrokTV Event – Seacoast Republican Women Congressional Forum – Question 3

by Skip

In light of the Aurora / Batman shootings, and more recently, the Sikh Temple shootings, much time in the political class is being spent on gun control vs bearing arms.  There are those that would wish that all individuals would posses, train, and carry weapons and there are those, especially of the Left or pacifists groups, would prefer that no one had any firearms except the Government.  It is almost always a question at a Republican event.

Question 3: Would you support a change in the Second Amendment – why or why not?

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GrokTV Event – Seacoast Republican Women Congressional Forum – Question 2

by Skip

Another question from the audience related to that big bug-a-boo from the Maker / Productive class (as opposed to the Taker / Moocher / Socialist class) – taxes?  They see it as unfair that some are forced to pull the entire weight of the cost of government for all, and that it is used for behaviorial modification according to ideological grounds (instead of just evenly distributing the cost of a limited govt across all beneficiaries of that limited govt).

Question 2: Should the Federal tax code be reformed and if so, how?

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GrokTV Event – Seacoast Republican Women Congressional Forum – Opening Remarks

by Skip

Last night, the ‘Grok had been invited to cover the Congressional Forum sponsored by the Seacoast Republican Women – a well respected non-partisan (with respect to the Republican Party events) organization whose events are usually open and well attended as their execution in having an event is normally flawless.  The event, held at the most beautiful Elks Lodge I have ever been in (on an inlet in Portsmouth, NH), had six four Candidate attendees:

NH First Congressional District – Rick Parent, Vern Clough

NH Second Congressional District  – Will Dean, Dennis Lamare

There should have been two more:

The videos of the Opening Ceremonies  and Candidate Opening Remarks after the jump.  There were six questions asked of the Candidates – they will be in subsequent posts.

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GrokTV Event – Seacoast Republican Women Congressional Forum – Question 1

by Skip

The questions for the four Candidates at the Seacoast Republican Women Congressional Forum were contributed before and during the event duration by the actual attendees with the lone exception of the last Question by Stella Scamman, the moderator.  The Candidates in attendance were: NH First Congressional District – Rick Parent, Vern Clough NH Second Congressional … Read more

Dennis Lamare – Nashua Telegraph Interview

NH CD-2 Republican Primary candidate Dennis Lamare (Challenging incumbent congressman Charlie Bass), was recently interview by the Nashua Telegraph.   Dennis is running as a Constitutional Conservative and in defense of State sovereignty.  He who would act to limit the abuse of congress and vote against anything the US Constitution has not empowered the Congress to … Read more

GrokTV Event – CNHT in review – The “Congressional” edition!

by Skip

At yesterday’s CNHT Annual Picnic, there were a number of folks running for US Congress (both of NH’s Congressional Districts) that wanted to get their name out there and try to convince some of the activists there “Hey, look!  You should back me!”.

In order of their speaking yesterday:


Congressman Charlie Bass (CD-2)                  Rick Parent (Candidate, CD-1)

More, MUCH more after the jump:

Previous posts:

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GrokTV Event: Rye RepublicanTown Committee Gala Reception for 2012 GOP Candidates – Dennis Lamare, Nancy Stiles, Chris Sununu

by Skip

Continuing on with our coverage of the Sunday afternoon event that the Rye Republican Town Committee (holding their “Gala Reception for 2012 GOP Candidates” at the Abenaqui Country Club in Rye, NH) let’s go to the next set of videos:  As I wrote in the last post (“Intro Ceremonies“) “Given such a name for an event, a number of NH GOP candidates vying for seats in 2012 did attend the sold-out crowd”; here are the first three that spoke to the crowd (appearing in order of speaking during the event):

  • Dennis Lamare – Candidate, looking to unseat Charlie Bass in NH’s Second Congressional District
  • Executive Councilor Chris Sununu – running for re-election for the Council in District 3 (video after the jump)
  • NH State Senator Nancy Stiles – running for re-election for the Council (video after the jump)

Dennis Lamare:

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GrokTV Event: Live blogging at the Rye Republican Town Committee

by Skip

There’s GOT to be a conservative TEA Party leaning person showing up for RRTC (Diane Bitter, Chair (and new NH GOP Assistant Secretary) at this event, so GraniteGrok is here.  We were asked if we could provide live stream and record the event by ‘Grok friend Diane, so we are attempting to oblige.  Unfortunately, the … Read more

GrokTV Special Event – Howie Carr at the Nashua Republican “Growing the Grassroots” Dinner – The Videos Part 1

by Skip

Woke up early this morning, so the easy decision was to toddle downstairs and start processing the video from last night’s Nashua Republican City Committee event labeled “Growing the Grassroots”.  Intro ceremonies here and after the jump are the videos of the reading of US Senator Kelly Ayotte’s letter to the NRCC, Congressman Charlie Bass‘s address to the crowd, Charlie’s opponent in the primary Dennis Lamare implored the crowd to vote for him, and Kevin Smith made his pitch to be the next NH GOP nominee for NH Governor (note: NH State Senator Bob Luther was a surrogate for Ovide Lamontagne, but the it seems that my original button press to restart the recording did not really “press” – apologies.  It can be seen in the replay of the live stream (to be posted later).

The video of the Keynote Speaker for the evening, WRKO talk host and Boston Globe Columnist Howie Carr, will be posted later on today.

Intro Ceremonies:

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GrokTV Special Event: Granite State Patriot Liberty PAC TEA Party – Conservative / Libertarian candidates make their case and ask for support

by Skip

No one can accuse Ovide Lamontagne, candidate for NH GOP nomination for NH Gov.,  of sitting and waiting for that nomination to come to him.  He doesn’t feel entitled to it – he knows he as to earn it.  Here at Saturday’s GSPLPAC  TEA Party, Friday night at the AFP/NH Conservative of the Year award for Kelly Ayotte – he’s working!  He brought a message that fits the TEA Party philosophy (and the worst nightmare of Democrats / Socialists / Statists everywhere):

  • Free Markets
  • Limited Government
  • Constitutional outlook

The TEA Party can always count on the support of Ovide.

There were also others looking for TEA Party support:

  • Dennis Lamare (Republican nomination for Congress,  NH-CD2)
  • Brendan Kelly (Libertarian nomination for Congress, NH-CD1)
  • John Hikel (Republican nomination for NH Senate,  District 20)

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