Yesterday was the annual CNHT picnic – a gathering that attracts right of center activists (Conservatives, Liberals, and fed-up Democrats) every year for the last 14 years. Well, we did try to live stream the CNHT (Coalition of NH Taxpayers) annual picnic but due to bandwith problems, the UStream servers kept complaining so I apologize for the constant interruptions. Fortunately, camera #2 got pretty much everything so if you weren’t able to come (and in looking at the size of the crowd and talking with a few people, a lot of folks were torn between CNHT and the 10s of other events that were asking for attention around the State!) I’ll be posting up the videos in short. Note: with 30 videos, it will take a bit.
Here, Ed Naile, Chair of CNHT opens the speaking part of the event.
Note: Speakers are half the event – the real emphasis, year after year, is that this is “Old Home Day” for the conservative movement here in NH. We all know one thing about the politically interested: people yak, yak a lot, and yak loudly. Which means that the speakers often do not get the quietness that they ordinarily get as the activists often see each other seldomly so try to catch up for “lost time” and resume conversations that didn’t end the year before. Thus, sorry for the audio quality!