When I was at the university, I once objected to a classmate’s lazy use of “public goods.” He had used it to favor his policy position as a shorthand synonym of what’s good for society—only a thinly veiled euphemism for what I want to happen.
Cultural Appropriation
Suicide Six Culturally Appropriates Abenaki Word for New Resort Name
Just so we’re as clear as Vodka, we are playing by House rules where “The House” is the culture that drove Suicide Six Ski Resort to change its “insensitive” name in the name of mental health. The New Name is Saskadena to honor “descendants” of the land’s “original” inhabitants.
Socialism Is Cancel-Culture at the Point of a Government Gun in a World You Allowed to be Disarmed
A few years ago, the University of New Hampshire (UNH) had a riot. Some uptight social justice warriors were triggered by students culturally appropriating Mexican attire.
Celebrity Pushes Back on ‘Cultural Appropriation,’ Feminism, And the Media Bully Culture
It’s nice to see celebrities push back on the bully culture. The silence is [violence] cranks who insist you have to express an opinion on everything (theirs) or they’ll decide for you. Well, this celebrity is pushing back, and in the nicest way.
If I was doing this at UNH/Durham, as the white guy I am, I’d have “CULTURAL APPROPRIATION!!!” screamed at me
If I was doing this at UNH/Durham, as the white guy I am, I’d have “CULTURAL APPROPRIATION!!!” screamed at me. And that’s because the Left has created all these New Rules to follow.
Land O Lakes “Terminates” Diversity-Hire: Says Goodbye to “Native American” Woman on Company Logo
As the title suggests I’m just here to have fun with the culture. Not yogurt, but it is dairy! And, no, I don’t care what the Land O’ Lakes logo looks like. But the Company CEO says “cultural insensitivity” was not the motivation to change it. What if we reversed that, just for fun?
Was This Racist, Inclusive Excellence, Or Cultural Appropriation?
I took my lovely wife out to eat for Mother’s Day. At the restaurant of her choice, I selected a dish that included African Salmon. It was quite delicious, but now I have a question.
Not Religious Oppression or Cultural Appropriation but Cultural Appreciation
I am a Jew. Born and raised as a Jew. I know who I am and what I am and what I believe. Growing up in the South (to the extent one might actually think some parts of Florida are in the South), I went through the public schools and in those days, before the … Read more
Someone Warn UNH Before They Riot Again: Hair Braiding Is Cultural Appropriation
California is a birthplace of stupidity. At CalPoly a progressive group doing its part to make dumb chic, got offended when two students appeared in a picture (on Snapchat) in which one of them has a series of tight braids.
So, Tim Allen is going to try to out do Roseanne?

Between the two of them, Roseanne’s reboot and the impending reboot of Last Man Standing, I know of two NETWORK shows I may actually watch with some regularity (actually, I did LMS because the writing was always quite good and the chemistry between the talent showed through in that they did like it each other). That said, even with Roseanne coming out as a Trump supporter (quite the thing in Hollywood – most actors and actresses would be blacklisted forthwith), Tim Allen let this fly in talking about his restart:
You Want to Talk About Cultural Appropriation? Let’s Do that!
With all This Talk about Cultural Appropriation when is someone going to start focusing on how the Democrat party has appropriated (or been appropriated) by secular-humanist-socialist-Marxism?
It’s not American. It contradicts most, if not all the cultural foundations or tenents of our nation. So, why does the modern Democrat party, its politicians, and their mouthpieces, get away with appropriating a late 18th-century Euro-Russian worldview and forcing it down our throats?