So, Tim Allen is going to try to out do Roseanne?

Tim Allen
Tim Allen

Between the two of them, Roseanne’s reboot and the impending reboot of Last Man Standing, I know of two NETWORK shows I may actually watch with some regularity (actually, I did LMS because the writing was always quite good and the chemistry between the talent showed through in that they did like it each other).  That said, even with Roseanne coming out as a Trump supporter (quite the thing in Hollywood – most actors and actresses would be blacklisted forthwith), Tim Allen let this fly in talking about his restart:

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You Want to Talk About Cultural Appropriation? Let’s Do that!

statue-of-liberty-2501264_960_720With all This Talk about Cultural Appropriation when is someone going to start focusing on how the Democrat party has appropriated (or been appropriated) by secular-humanist-socialist-Marxism?

It’s not American. It contradicts most, if not all the cultural foundations or tenents of our nation. So, why does the modern Democrat party, its politicians, and their mouthpieces, get away with appropriating a late 18th-century Euro-Russian worldview and forcing it down our throats?

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