Between the two of them, Roseanne’s reboot and the impending reboot of Last Man Standing, I know of two NETWORK shows I may actually watch with some regularity (actually, I did LMS because the writing was always quite good and the chemistry between the talent showed through in that they did like it each other). That said, even with Roseanne coming out as a Trump supporter (quite the thing in Hollywood – most actors and actresses would be blacklisted forthwith), Tim Allen let this fly in talking about his restart:
Actor Tim Allen wasted no time blasting political correctness — with a wink and a nudge — as he was out promoting the return of conservative comedy “Last Man Standing” to television.
“We’re gonna be very politically correct,” Allen told a reporter, his tongue pressed firmly in cheek to plenty of laughter. “I’m going to identify as an Asian woman that wants to be a European man … we’ll do the journey of what it’s like to be an Asian woman in a European man’s body … I eat a lot of Ramen. It’ll be a lot of Asian dishes. It’ll be subtle.”
So Allen pulled an Alinsky – knowing that he is already torqued about the Left in Hollywood and what they do to careers if the Progressive line is hewed to, read that again. Hah! That should tie the PC Thought Police in knots for a while.
So, if Progressives believe that anyone can identify as anyone else, who are they to tell a white, straight, Conservative male that he CAN’T be an Asian woman. Then, eating lots of Ramen noodles can’t be “cultural appropriation”, can it? Somebody go and tell all those UNH students (mostly white dudes) that the next time somebody verbally assaults them for the same offense for simply in wearing a sombrero and sarape on Cinco de Mayo, do the same thing: Hey, I identify as a Mayan indigenous native – who are YOU to judge ME!
(H/T: The Blaze)