Land O Lakes “Terminates” Diversity-Hire: Says Goodbye to “Native American” Woman on Company Logo

As the title suggests I’m just here to have fun with the culture. Not yogurt, but it is dairy! And, no, I don’t care what the Land O’ Lakes logo looks like. But the Company CEO says “cultural insensitivity” was not the motivation to change it. What if we reversed that, just for fun?

Related: There Can Be No Indigenous People’s Day – The North American Continent Doesn’t Have Any

Native American women are grossly underrepresented on dairy packaging in this country. Land O’ Lakes was the last (only?) opportunity for their cultural heritage to be proudly displayed, and if she (the Indian Maiden, Mia) were an actual person, the left would lose their minds to hear she was being removed or replaced.

How dare you terminate the diversity hire. Lawsuits! 60-minutes investigates! CNN and MSNBC can’t STFU about it.

Tell me I’m wrong?

If the Land (O Lakes) is part of their heritage then that which comes with it is as well. What’s wrong with giving them a little credit?

Actually, this telling of the logo’s history says exactly that.

Most Minnesotans, as well as the creators of the Land O’Lakes brand, knew Native American history and Minnesotan history went hand in hand (“Minnesota” translates to “cloudy/blue/sky-tinted waters” in Dakota). You can’t have one without the other. Some believe that Mia exemplifies and honors Minnesota’s rich history and current Native American communities.

The original design pictured above is not the one with which we are familiar. Our version was updated by a local Native American.

Patrick DesJarlait was a local Ojibwe artist who was hired to revamp Mia’s depiction. Although claiming to be non-political, DesJarlait did publicly believe in fostering an open dialogue between Native Americans and non-Natives alike. So when Land O’Lakes approached him, he agreed, believing in the value of “fostering a sense of Indian pride” across the Midwest. [8]  DesJarlait wrote, too, that “each of my paintings tells a story about some aspect of [Native] life. It has always been my hope that my [works] will help to remind my people of their own heritage and that they, in turn, will inform other people about the traditional [Native American] way of life.” [9]


Land of Lakes Original with Mia the Indian Maiden

The Farmers Co-Operative is replacing a classic, if not ubiquitous, piece of Native American art (of a Native American), with some words.

Well, they are not actually native to America, are they? Their ancestors traveled here from someplace else. And odds are good they had to fight for food and kill and conquer to secure resources. So, the “Native Americans” the left likes to leverage politically are simply the most recent occupiers before the Europeans (and now the Muslims).

That does not excuse any mistreatment then or now, it’s just a fact. Here’s another one. Democrats are political opportunists using identity politics to advance a socialist agenda. A movement they appropriated from other cultures that they hope to use to supplant the current circumstances as soon as possible. A form of rule that happily “appropriates” the benefits of America’s Constitutional Republic when it advances its socialist goals.

One of which, coincidentally, is to erase American culture. Perhaps even reduce its advocates to reservations. And the Left would insist on having complete political control over “those lands” and everyone in them. Including the education of their children, because they had won.

Shortly after which we could expect Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, and the rest of them ‘scrubbed’ from the currency, (and everywhere else).

Replaced, possibly, by Mia, the Burqa-wearing Islamic ‘Maiden’ from the people’s Republic of Minnesotastan. Or, maybe it’s a guy in clown makeup, a dress, and a freight wig reading a story to kids at the library. You never know.

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  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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