My name is Stephen Scaer, and I am running for the NH State Senate in District 13, which encompasses Nashua Wards 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9. I have lived in Nashua for 28 years.
Critical Theory
Your Local Antifa: The Black Shirts of Critical Theory
When a woman ripped my wife’s “No Puberty Blockers” sign from her arms and ran away laughing into the Queen City Pride Festival last month, I knew better than to chase.
I Would Much Rather Have Trump as My President Than Live Beneath the Raised Fist of Marxism
President Donald Trump is among the few people standing up against the neo-Marxist dogma of critical theory (CT) that pervades every aspect of our lives.
Trump’s Ban on Marxist Critical Theory Expanded to Companies Doing Business with US Government
A few weeks ago, President Trump made a huge leap forward. He signed an order prohibiting any Critical Theory Cultural Studies indoctrination of government employees. Taxpayers were paying to have them conform to the unconstitutional demands built into identity politics. He’s just expanded that prohibition.
So, White People are Racists Because OWNING DOGS!?
The Left gets stupider by the day – and then opens its Collective mouth to dispel all doubt. I’m going to put the entire post up so you can see the UTTER ridiculousness and wrongness.
Columbia University Marching Band Cancels Itself ‘cuz Racism
College Marching bands are offensive, mostly becasue they are made up of dopey #woke college students, but this is taking that to a whole new level. The Columbia University Marching band had a meeting and voted to cancel itself.
Liberty and Justice for All; A Statement of Reaffirmation
The Corner (at National Review) has a serious post that I consider to be an opening shot against the Marxism that has taken hold in Academia. That, in the last two or three years, has burst out of that bubble in screams of Totalitarianism, Safetyism, and Presentism.
The Left is Restructuring Our Whole Conception of Reality
James Lindsay is the co-author of Cynical Theories. It is a deep dive into far-left Critical Theory. Skip wrote about the other author recently here, but I have a short video to share that might intrigue you enough to watch his entire interview.
‘Wokeness is Being Pushed on Everyone’
I wouldn’t have expected to see an article so aptly named out of Sp!ked but sometimes you can find diamonds in a trash dump. They had an interview with a Helen Pluckrose on why we are seeing such nuttiness from the Left. The woke, the SJWs, the Karens, seemingly in such short order and time frames.
To the Modern Left, Even the Meme Cannot Meme What it Thinks it Memes
The left is a funny lot, and I don’t mean Ha-Ha funny. They invent these terms like ‘hate speech,’ and hate crimes,’ all while promoting the postmodern deconstructionism required to justify identity politics and the gender spectrum.