Columbia University Marching Band Cancels Itself 'cuz Racism - Granite Grok

Columbia University Marching Band Cancels Itself ‘cuz Racism

Columbia marching band Image College Fix

College Marching bands are offensive, mostly becasue they are made up of dopey #woke college students, but this is taking that to a whole new level. The Columbia University Marching band had a meeting and voted to cancel itself.

Related: Dartmouth College Democrats Want Non-Resident Students to Vote Absentee in NH Elections


“The Band has unanimously and enthusiastically decided to dissolve. The Columbia University Marching Band will not continue to exist in any capacity and will no longer serve as a Columbia spirit group,” the statement says.

“The Columbia University Marching Band apologizes for insult and injury victims have experienced as a result of actions perpetrated in its name. The Band has maintained a club structure founded on the basis of racism, cultural oppression, misogyny, and sexual harassment.

While substantial efforts have been made in recent years toward undoing decades of wrongdoing, we as a Band feel ultimately that it is impossible to reform an organization so grounded in prejudiced culture and traditions.”


We are inspired by this vanguard movement and encourage Columbia University, and many others across the fruited plain, including the Democrat Party, to follow this example and cancel themselves.

Counselors will not be made available.

Unemployable Critical Theory professors and staff – as well as lifelong politicians and consultants where  applicable – will be expected to live off the welfare state they have so avidly advocated for years under the false promise that government can create equality of a higher state than permanent subsitance living (augmented occassionaly by looting peaceful protests).

They may continue to complain endlessly about their circumstances – as if we anyone could stop them – but they won’t get paid to do that (or teach it) as in the past and no one is requred to listen.

