I Would Much Rather Have Trump as My President Than Live Beneath the Raised Fist of Marxism

President Donald Trump is among the few people standing up against the neo-Marxist dogma of critical theory (CT) that pervades every aspect of our lives.

 Originally published in the Union Leader

CT is a mystical ideology that teaches that history is defined by class struggles, powerful classes create our reality — even biological sex — and that all differences between classes are caused by innate and unmeasurable discrimination that serves the white patriarchy.

Proponents of CT despise science because it has colonial White supremacy baked in, and reason that our language is shaped by those in power. It calls for a transfer of power and wealth from one group to another.

Like any religion, it has its own jargon — microaggression, internalized racism, lense, and anti-racism. Young neo-Marxists are trained to shut down dissent with vulgar harangues, public ridicule, threats, physical intimidation, and campaigns to get the enemies of the people fired from their jobs.

Few Republicans have had the courage to stand against this unreality, but Donald Trump has recognized neo-Marxism for what it is and banned federal employee training based on CT. Whatever his flaws, I would much rather have Trump as my president than live beneath the raised fist of Marxism


Editor: No image or links appeared with the letter in the Union leader.


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