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Is The FBI still credible?

When former President Obama took office he set about “reforming” every agency including the FBI to being Islamic tolerant; no more “Islamic terrorist” description, no more, no way was Islam to be described in anything except a positive light. Is it now finally reasonable to ask, does the FBI have a credibility problem?

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AG Barr Appoints John Durham

The Associated Press ( https://apnews.com/75e5c4efd5c74e6e9aa1ba0237a0e651 ) and New York Times ( https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/13/us/politics/russia-investigation-justice-department-review.html ) are carrying stories reporting that Attorney General Barr has appointed the U.S Attorney in Connecticut, John Durham an investigatory task. He is charged with the duty to investigate the origins of the Russia investigation. This is to include whether or not the … Read more

Democrats Propose a 27+% Gas Tax Increase

Is a 27% increase enough? You voted for them. Now we are going to have to live with them “helping” us in the legislature. Our very own New Hampshire Democrats are proposing that we increase the gas tax by 27+%. That will reduce your spendable income. How much it eats into your budget depends on … Read more

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