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Border Patrol Agents Accused of “Whipping” Illegals Have Been Cleared of Wrongdoing

The hoax machine doing business as the corporate media in America, has been having a rough year. Stories they claimed were a hoax have been revealed as legitimate, while stories they made legitimate are being exposed as hoaxes.

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FBI logo

Is The FBI still credible?

When former President Obama took office he set about “reforming” every agency including the FBI to being Islamic tolerant; no more “Islamic terrorist” description, no more, no way was Islam to be described in anything except a positive light. Is it now finally reasonable to ask, does the FBI have a credibility problem?

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The Lancet

Medical Journals Incorporate Politics into ‘Public Health’

A lot of people complain politics is in everything these days. They are right, politics is in everything these days… even medical journals. The better points really are: Is this new? And how pervasive really is “in everything”? Is that really hyperbole?

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Sellout - TP or Fox News

Blogline of the Day: “Haven’t Turned on the TV Yet This Morning. Has Fox News Called the Georgia Runoffs Yet?”

Wonder if anyone at their network has seen that BlogLine of the Day?  Once one’s reputation goes (especially for an entity like Fox which the Right used to see as “it’s own” because it didn’t diss us all the time like the Progressive Nets have).

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street-walker Union satire

Blogline of the Day – Credibility

Over at my post “Democrat Unity Means Let’s Boot Half of Republicans From Congress” comes the Blogline of the Day from commenter NITZAKHON:

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The SPLC Is A Radical Organization

The Republican National Committee is adopting a new resolution. It is “refuting the legitimacy of the Southern Poverty Law Center to identify hate groups.” The resolution denounces the organization as a whole. It focuses on the Obama-Biden administration’s relationship with the group.

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Fauxcahontas Warren Speaks At the Native American Caucus Meeting

Fauxcahontas Warren Speaks

DNA testing confirmed that Elizabeth Warren is 1/1024th native America. That doesn’t pass muster as Native American… anywhere. Why then is her claim that Joe Biden will listen to tribal concerns any more believable than her heritage?

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Lieawatha Fauxcahontas is 1/1024th Right in Her Campaign Claims

Lizzy Warren with an Ax Dealt Her Credibility 40 Whacks

Lieawatha clearly just makes stuff up. We’ve seen it before. She just says whatever make her feel like she’s getting an advantage.

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Impeach with Second Hand Information After Closed Door Hearings?

Does it seem fair? Does it seem above board? Why are we getting snippets of leaks from a presidential impeachment hearing? Why are the hearings not open? How can they believe they can remove POTUS without allowing public review of the actual transcripts of the impeachment investigation hearings?

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Mommy, what does Congress do?

The End of Shutdown Theater? – Congress Wants to Automate Continuing Resolutions

This year is a sad milepost in the road to this nation’s financial Armageddon. Oct. 1 marks the 23rd straight year of beginning the federal fiscal year without a budget. Continuing resolutions are how the federal government does business.

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New York Times Corrects Another Brett Kavanaugh Story

New York Times Corrects Another Brett Kavanaugh Story

Okay, we all make mistakes. We all get it wrong sometimes. But the New York Times is literally burning its credibility with stories about Brett Kavanaugh.

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AG Barr Appoints John Durham

The Associated Press ( ) and New York Times ( ) are carrying stories reporting that Attorney General Barr has appointed the U.S Attorney in Connecticut, John Durham an investigatory task. He is charged with the duty to investigate the origins of the Russia investigation. This is to include whether or not the … Read more

Democrats Propose a 27+% Gas Tax Increase

Is a 27% increase enough? You voted for them. Now we are going to have to live with them “helping” us in the legislature. Our very own New Hampshire Democrats are proposing that we increase the gas tax by 27+%. That will reduce your spendable income. How much it eats into your budget depends on … Read more

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