Democrat Unity Means Let’s Boot Half of Republicans From Congress

by Skip

The Electoral College has voted and everyone is now calling Dementia Joe the “President-Elect.” As opposed to what all the MSM has been calling him since the election (including Fox News)? NOW he can be called that and be mostly right.

There is still that little detail that Congress has to certify the Electoral votes and some on the Left are a bit nervous over that. But just to be technical, that E.C. vote has to be certified before he really is the President-Elect

Sidenote: his coughing fit yesterday and him saying it was “just a cold”. Er, didn’t we just see that happen here in NH – just a cold? And, again, Commie Kamala is still waiting, Stage Left…

Well, the US House also gets a role in determining who actually sits in the House this coming session – the Constitution gives it the power to set its own Rules and with Nancy Pelosi in charge (she of the expensive ice creams completely filling up that $30K fridge and getting blowdried when salons were supposed to be closed), of COURSE some Democrat Party hack, seeing the above background votes, was going to go Full Stupid (emphasis mine, reformatted):

Dem. Rep. Asks Pelosi to Boot Half of Republicans From Congress

On Friday, just before the Supreme Court rejected Attorney General Ken Paxton’s (R-Texas) explosive lawsuit challenging the results of the 2020 presidential election in four key swing states, Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr. (D-N.J.) asked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to refuse to seat members of the next Congress who support President Donald Trump’s effort to challenge the election results. Pascrell accused the 126 Republicans who supported the Texas lawsuit of “insurrection or rebellion” — or at least, of supporting “insurrection or rebellion” — against the Constitution.

“Stated simply, the men and women who would act to tear the United States Government apart cannot serve as Members of the Congress,” Pascrell said in a letter to Pelosi and a statement he posted on Twitter.

“These lawsuits seeking to obliterate public confidence in our democratic system by invalidating the clear results of the 2020 presidential election undoubtedly attack the text and the spirit of the Constitution, which each Member swears to support and defend,” the Democrat argued. “Today I’m calling on House leaders to refuse to seat any Members trying to overturn the election and make donald trump [sic] an unelected dictator.”

Pascrell cited Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment, which states that “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, an elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath… to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort the enemies thereof.”

The stupidity, it burns. There have been sufficient questions to make it NOT a clear result and if you want us to start in on the text and Spirit of the Constitution by Democrats, I’m happy to slay you in such a debate. We’ll start with the 2nd, back to the first, to the 16th, then the 17th, and then talk about all the Powers that Congress has given away to the Executive Branch and what the Congress has done in pushing well past the 10th Amendment. And that’s just the appetizers…

This is just about the same level of Idiocy as Rep. Hank Johnson’s (D-GA) a few years ago:

…The United States plans to move thousands of Marines and their families, about 8,000 people in all, to the small island of Guam, which has a current population of about 180,000. To prepare for the military buildup, the government is constructing new facilities on the island like an additional Marine base and a new airfield. At the peak of construction, Guam’s population would increase by 79,000 people, or about 45 percent, the Washington Post reported. The Environmental Protection Agency has reportedly said the military buildup could trigger island-wide water shortages and overload sewage systems and other public utilities.

…”My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize,” Johnson said. Willard paused and replied, “We don’t anticipate that.”

So Pascrell quoted the 14th which was put into place just after the Civil War to keep Confederate supporters from being elected to Congress. So Republicans are now the same as Confederates? Just look what Pascrell’s side of the aisle has been doing to stone statues – is this the political version of that?

Trump and everyone else filing lawsuits are not destroying our “Democracy”

Sidenote: the obligatory “We’re not a Democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic that uses democratic processes to elect our representatives, even Pascrell and Johnson. Throw Maxine Waters in there, too. Add your favorite nitwits, Democrat OR Republican, in the comments.

Every legal action they have take is permissible under our Laws and within our system of Jurisprudence. If Trump really wanted to rebel against the Constitution for mere political purposes, he’d invoke the Insurrection Act (and hope that the military would follow. Is vote manipulation, as it seems to have been reported on grand scales, cause, and sufficient proof to invoke it?)

Or is Pascrell just a tit-for-tat Democrat that’s having a hissy fit that the Republicans aren’t following their historical behavior and laying down to be walked all over? That he’s ticked that they just aren’t willing to “go along to get along” and to fall back into the pre-Trump line of being sheepish Junior Party of the Welfare State?

I’m thinking that Pelosi might entertain that thought for a mere handful of microseconds and go “Imma gonna ignore that one – go sit in the corner with Johnson for a while, willya?”. But no, she didn’t – she did throw some gas onto the fire that will be her next House session:

Pelosi did not comment on Pascrell’s request, but in a statement after the Supreme Court dismissed the Texas lawsuit, she declared that “the 126 Republican Members that signed onto this lawsuit brought dishonor to the House. Instead of upholding their oath to support and defend the Constitution, they chose to subvert the Constitution and undermine public trust in our sacred democratic institutions.”

She concluded her statement by declaring that “Republicans must once and for all end their election subversion — immediately.”

And we’re right back to that famous Democrat UNITY schtick – except she’s made it quite plain, even before the House has been sworn in, she has slandered them. Yes, “subversion” is a fighting word and in accusing the Republicans of such, she’s set a tone-deaf tone going forward. And while we’re at it, that public trust has already evaporated and has done such for years.

In 1972, Gallup found that 71% of Americans had either a “great deal” or “fair amount” of trust in Congress. Forty-eight years later, in 2020, only 33% of Americans said they had a great deal or fair amount of trust in Congress — a drop of 38 percentage points. Incredibly, today nearly 1 out of every 5 Americans say they have no trust or confidence at all in the legislative branch.

If Antifa/BLM rioters and the whole ShutDownDC Progressives groups were all set to take “direct action” if Trump had won (or if something happens in Congress during the E.C. certification), just think of the outrage that Right would be taking if Pelosi decided to allow a vote on this.

Is this just another version of ripping limb from limb?

(H/T: PJ Media)

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