Dr. Jordan Peterson is one of the most staunch defenders of men and masculinity. Peterson was living a relatively quiet life in Canada, teaching psychology and coaching both women and men, when his university and country decided to attempt to compel his speech.
Has Joe Biden Sold Out Our Country?
To Democrats, that suggestion may seem outlandish, maybe even shameful. They might say that to suggest an American President could betray his own country is unpatriotic, and un-American. They’d say it’s the kind of rhetoric we might expect from the fringe elements of our society – anti-government fanatics, conspiratorialists, perpetual malcontents. They’d probably include most … Read more
Promoted from the Comments – Conservatives Need to Understand That Their Opposition Is Not Seeking Compromise, but Conquest
I really liked Michael Graham’s piece that says America can’t fix anything lately – and Kurt Schlichter’s (Notable Quote) amplifies it. As always, I’m scanning the comments to both see what the temperature of our readers is while looking for thoughtful remarks that make good points. Agent Liberty left such a comment here on Graham’s piece.
Going to Recess Instead of Problem Solving
In a true exhibition of leadership, the House of Representatives is going to recess instead of problem-solving. There is $1-$3.5 trillion coronavirus stimulus measure hanging fire. There are multiple versions of the bill. The negotiations have been ongoing. The latest stumbling block is USPS funding.
The Benefits and Setbacks Associated with Political Parties
This refers to groupings of individuals working together by sharing a mutual ambition, vision, and goals for their respective communities. The associations could be formed nationally, regionally, or at local levels, meeting habitually, creating platforms representing their specific values and vision. Furthermore, they send their members or representatives to vie for political seats. The prime … Read more
New Hampshire Legislature Overwhelmingly Approves Budget ‘Compromise’
Both houses of the New Hampshire legislature have approved what was sold as a compromise budget deal. The media spin is that we now have a budget. But we always had one. It was last years.
Democrats Claiming Budget “Compromise” Funds Abortion-Advocacy by Planned Parenthood
This: Earlier this year, Planned Parenthood announced it would no longer accept funding from the federal Title X program because of a new Trump rule that restricts recipients of Title X from giving abortion referrals. New Hampshire Democrats included replacement funding for the loss of federal funds in their budget. If the above tweet is … Read more
Budget Compromise Reached – Will It Pass?
The budget showdown appears to be over, with a compromise reached between Governor Sununu, the Democrat majorities, and Republican leadership. For months now the State has operated under a continuing resolution passed in late June, but when legislators meet tomorrow at 1pm in both the House and Senate the State could be one step further … Read more
NHPR Reporting That Sununu Caves on #SocialistBudget
This: HERE is a link to the Governor’s proposal. The bottom line: So Sununu is negotiating against himself. No concession or movement by the DemocRATS to his compromise proposal, so he is further compromising. Somebody get Chris a copy of The Art of the Deal. Quickly.
“House Dems compromised with Senate Dems, no GOP involved”
by NH State Rep. Mike Sylvia | The letters section of The Laconia Daily Sun on Wednesday was visited by one of Vladimir Lenin’s disciples. She contributes to the principle of “A lie told often enough becomes the truth.” Not wanting to waste her one letter for the week she slides in two pieces of … Read more
Pelosi Says No to Trump Compromise: Completes Democrat Ownership of Shutdown
Mr. Trump went before the nation yesterday to offer a compromise to end the shutdown. The Democrat House leaders reaction? No. Pelosi is not interested in compromise unless it is on her terms. Not for nothing but that’s not how compromise works. Trump offered some things Democrats wanted. Thing actual Democrats told him they wanted. Trump … Read more
GraniteGrok: Conservative? Check! ‘Grok: TEA Party? Check! Bill O’Brien supporters? Check! Mark Hounsell seeking out the ‘Grok as a platform? Hypocrite!
During the Womens’ Defense League of NH‘s annual Gun Rally, Mark Housell ( now FORMER candidate for US Congress in NH’s CD-1) actively sought me out (not hard to miss – ‘Grok hat on, camera in tow) almost as soon as a “late arrived) to have me do an interview. We tried to do it right then but the volume of the PA system was too loud so he waited until after the event had concluded – which took quite some time. Then he waited as I interviewed several other people first so it was clear that he craved the publicity this Conservative, TEA Party, Bill O’Brien, multiple AFP award winning site could provide him. Yet, this is what he told the Laconia Daily Sun as he exited the race (reformatted, emphasis mine:
Hounsell did say that those pushing a liberal agenda are making “blatant and unabashed attempts to buy New Hampshire’s 1st Congressional District with out-of-state money,” while the state’s Republican party “is hog-tied by right-wing extremists passing as conservatives.”
Hounsell disagreed with the “big tent” analogy [of NH GOP Forrester’s big tent analogy -Skip]. “The people who are in that big tent are doing all they can to change it from a big tent to a pup tent,” he said, naming Bill O’Brien and Americans for Prosperity. “If you don’t pass their so-called purity test, you’re not really part of it. I don’t fit their definition of what a conservative is; that is, neo-con, Tea [sic] Party.
Fool Me Once, Shame on You, Fool Me One Hundred Times….Call Me A Republican Senator
The Sunday Union Leader has a staff editorial in which it comes to the defense of Senator Ayotte accepting and attending an invite to dinner with Mr. Obama and a number of other ‘Ranking’ (see also Rank) GOP Senators.
To suggest that there is no value in conveying that message to the President in person, in a casual setting in which a working relationship might develop, is to misunderstand the way politics works.
Last August, Sen. Tom Coburn (who attended last Wednesday’s dinner) came to the defense of the Tea Party during an interview on MSNBC. Among his points was that Tea Party activists “understand that you’ve got to have human relations to get along in this world.” It is amazing and disappointing that so many activists on both sides think that progress is made by refusing to work with anyone in the other camp.
This is the way politics works, except in the case of Mr. Obama’s politics, this only works for him.
Let Us Dine On the Rotten Fruit of Compromise With the Left

If you ignore all the marketing and PR that surrounds the fiscal cliff and just boil it all down to the bones, what happens on January first is what Democrats wanted. Ace Gets it right Here.
Remember, the deal that got us to this point was agreed to by House Republicans, Senate Democrats and signed by Obama. That’s as bi-partisan as it gets. I’ve heard from squishy low information voters, Obama and the media that “bi-partisan problem solving” is the Holy Grail of politics. Well, here it is.
The Cliff is a Democrat plan. It was passed by a Democrat Senate, signed by a Democrat President, and as Ace points out, is precisely the kind of compromise the left insists Republicans engage in over and over again.
Jeb Bush On This “Temporary” Hyper-Partisan Moment
Jeb Bush is out there shilling for compromise. “Ronald Reagan would have, based on his record of finding accommodation, finding some degree of common ground, as would my dad — they would have a hard time if you define the Republican party — and I don’t — as having an orthodoxy that doesn’t allow for … Read more
The CACR Trojan Horse: “The perfect is NOT the enemy of the good in this case.”
Here’s an email exchange I’ve had with a good friend and a great conservative earlier today about the CACR-12 vote coming up tomorrow. It responded to my earlier post in GraniteGrok about why CACR-12 must be killed this year. “Tim: I am not sure I understand your reasoning. The Claremont decision shifted power from the … Read more
Congressional Stalemate is better than Financial Disaster
Is Congress at a stand-still? If so, is that good or bad?
Americans elect representatives whose views, they believe, are best for our country and our people. Since Americans disagree about these things, there will be disagreements, conflicts and even stalemates in Congress.
Our nation’s founders wanted to ensure that extreme legislation, violating their principles, customs, and beliefs, is not imposed on the American people. So, the founders created a system which typically forces compromise to ensure that legislation is acceptable to most Americans.
Yay for Gridlock! The word “compromise” is not bad, but “compromising principles” is a bad phrase. Throw in “social contract” and there’s a big problem.
an actual or hypothetical agreement among the members of an organized society or between a community and its ruler that defines and limits the rights and duties of each
I have been noodling on the phrase “social contract” for quite some time ever since Elizabeth Warren had her misbegotten rant denigrating capitalism and entrepreneurship and defending taxation as “part of the social contract”. The problem is, who really knows what the “social contract” really is? Let’s narrow it down further – what is it now, what did it use to be, and what should it be in the future?
And who put this contract up for debate, and how come I’m held to it even as others change the rules? What – no choice for an opt out? And why do the Libs
Sort of rhetorical questions, but Warren’s assertion is that “the social contract” allows and demands for all she believes is right, but also holds what the entrepreneur believes is wrong. Thus, it seems, it is a one way agreement: a liberal can claim that it provides for all kinds of social programs (and in effect, pushing that government programs are now necessary for it to be complete, and the wealth extraction from one set of citizens that is necessary to accomplish it). Yet, when a Conservative begins to talk about “the social contract”, they are hooted from the room and there is no discussion that, like Government, the reach of “the social contract” is ever being extended (or over extended)? I used to think that it included (in no particular order) following the laws, paying your taxes, being nice to your neighbors, pay your taxes, be helpful to your community if led to be so (or, at least cause no harm), and that government would excel in what it should do and be frugal (e.g., don’t waste my money). Oh yeah, and leave me alone to make my own decisions instead of telling me what to do all the time (after all, I’m an adult). But remember, to a Liberal, it IS a one way agreement.
Problem is, my sense is now, the social contract is now quantity over quality, the American propensity to throw money at any problem has gone on steroids, and that any attempt to hold those programs accountable for results actually results in jeers thrown to the like of “what, you hate the poor, blacks, gays, browns, Latinos, or <name your least favorite Democrat identity group here>? Shame on you, you cold hearted, uncaring Neanderthal! YOU are stopping us from Progressing forward!”. In essence, they are using the social contract not as an agreement but as a club – with a nail in it that sticks out. And Lord help a Conservative involved in the Legislative process trying to hold to what we thought was the social contract when trying to keep Govt small enough to fulfill our version of “the social contract” – after all, we believe that people can fulfill such a “contract” and does not require an activist, intrusive Govt.
Oh, that compromise word? That brings me to the next point – when a Republican gives the Dems a loophole – and NH GOP Treasurer Robert Scott seemingly has done just that. From the UL’s State House Dome: