House Session

So Kids, What Did We Learn From Thursday’s House Session (09/15/22)?

We learned it was “Veto Day” and the last session of this legislative body until after election day and new legislators are sworn in. The opening ceremonies included a memorial to Rep. Mary Griffin, who passed away recently, and prayers for Rep. Gary Hopper who is fighting cancer. There were also many thanks to those who have served the House and will not be returning and those who did not make it through their primaries last Tuesday.

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Robert Heinlen

Notable Quote – We’re Screwed

by Skip

“A generation that doesn’t know history has no past; and no future.-Robert Heinlein (science fiction writer, author, speaker, and “source for” part of the GraniteGrok name)

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NH State House

Update: Cornerstone’s Concord 101 Rescheduled

Update to Skip’s post from September 12: Cornerstone’s Concord 101 program scheduled for Dunbarton on September 18 has been rescheduled for Saturday, November 9, from 10 a.m. to noon. Email for more information, and read more about Concord 101 at the Cornerstone web site. Other Concord 101 programs will take place at Harvest Christian … Read more

“Education is key to continued liberty”

by Skip

By Chuck Douglas [NOTE: Former NH Supreme Court Justice Douglas points out something that I’ve been saying (along with a lot of other people) for quite some time; bolded below from his address at the Josiah Bartlett Libertas dinner, reformatted, emphasis mine  -Skip] More than Josiah Bartlett’s biography is the fact that he and the … Read more

So, another “win” for our government education?

by Skip

Only when you consider the older man’s education (you know, when it actually taught actually history and actual civics and not this PC crap we see in the top panel). The South deemed their slaves to be property but wanted them also counted as people for representation.  The North said – ok, if your slaves … Read more

And the Teachers’ unions can’t understand why we don’t believe them?

by Skip

In my opinion, public education has gone down a path of disaster in many ways – too many teaching methodologies that are not much more than somebody’s fad idea instead of being verifiably certified effective, teachers who believe their mission is to indoctrinate students with “a worldview” instead of teaching subject basics well, and unions that want you to simply believe that higher salaries and perks are an instant panacea to what they’ve been doing the last 30 years.

So, DO watch this of a high school student asking other students some simple, basic American Civics and geography questions.  Watch the utter cluelessness (with the exception of one young lady) and the blank stares of these high schoolers when the mic is offered in their general direction.

(H/T: The Blaze)

Well prepared and taught by their teachers, eh?  The problem for parents and taxpayers is…

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