Taylor Starling and Kaitlyn Slavin - Photo courtesy Advocates for Faith

If The Boys Are “Girls,” Then Why Isn’t ‘This’ Empowering?

One of the inconvenient truths of the Transgender Agenda is that before you can be transgender, you have to be a boy. Those are the rules I’ve read. The Gaystapo/Rainbow Mafia has been quite clear about this. You have to be born into a boy’s body. A girl can’t identify as a transgirl; that would … Read more

gavin newsom pointing

Importing Poverty Is No Ticket To Prosperity

The saying goes, “As goes California, so goes the nation.” If this is true, we better have a gut check soon, as California is in a downward spiral. The state has been mismanaged and is on the wrong moral compass heading. It is a geographically diverse state with incredible beauty and resources. Yet, it is … Read more

Car chevy mustang

Are Vermonter’s Ready to Buy Cars in New Hampshire?

Vermont tied its increasingly rickety wagon to California’s air quality standards for motor vehicles. Advanced Clean Cars II (ACCII) “requires manufacturers to produce vehicles certified to increasingly more stringent emission categories, according to schedules based on vehicle fleet emission averages for each manufacturer.“ Vermont legislators handed authority over Vermonters to wingnuts in California and they … Read more

Big Brother 1984 Mask Coronavirus

Mask Mandates Are The Emerging “Imminent Threat and Menace to Public Health”

If you are thinking about pursuing healthcare jobs in California, you will need a high tolerance for rules, regulations, car theft, taxes, sidewalk poop, tyrannical bureaucracies, the homeless, crime, discarded needles, and screeching liberal harpies. Oh, and hunger-like affection for carcinogens, hypoxia, and microplastics. Public Health officials in several Left-Coast counties have reinstituted mask mandate, … Read more

In Mad Desire to Sue Exxon, California Exposes ‘Recycling Plastic’ Hoax

California bleeds money, so it needs jackpot justice to line the bottomless pit into which it tosses taxpayer dollars. Exxon-Mobile is a big target that should be hard to miss, but the Left Coast’s environmental action has consistently failed to deliver. Exxon-Mobile has better lawyers and arguments but addiction doesn’t countenance common sense so Cali … Read more

Quick Shot: Corruption in California?

A story about corruption in California isn’t likely to surprise anyone, or that Los Angeles might be the corruption Mecca. It’s a big city with lots of Libs, a lot of money, one-party rule, and a bit of political corruption. How much? Four LA city council members have been investigated in the past year, with … Read more

news newspaper fire original Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Google and California Bail Out Newsrooms, Why is No One Happy?

Democrats in and out of the media want to bail out newsrooms. The progressives can’t seem to move on. Newspapers are dying, but the people obsessed with Forward keep looking back. Longingly. Pining for a publicly funded propaganda machine (NPR just isn’t enough). Yearning for someone to bail out their mouthpieces. Millions have been dumped … Read more

Candlelight candle flame Photo by Jarl Schmidt on Unsplash

A Democrat Created Price Gouging Problem

California’s list of failures is long, from high taxes and poverty to lax enforcement of theft. Crime pays, and foreign invaders are often held in higher esteem than natural-born residents. Housing, land management, water, you name it; California sets the standard for what not to do to which we can add energy. California would rather … Read more

gun rifle firearm

Court Blocks California’s One Gun-a-Month Law

Most of us grew up with stories about earthquakes in California. At some point, you may have heard that a big piece of it might fall into the ocean because of where the fault lines are. Fifty years later, the English Standard has not been replaced by metric. But California still has earthquakes, and not … Read more

gavin newsom pointing

Gov Nuisance and The Job Killers – Wage Hike Erases at Least 10,000 Entry Level Positions

If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it hundreds of times: When the government interferes in the marketplace, bad things happen. Minimum wage mandates are not the least of these worries, but meddlers will meddle and, in the face of facts, still think they know better.

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gavin newsom pointing

Gov. Nuisance Chokes on His Own Minimum Wage Hike

Governments think they know more about everything than anyone, progressive governments more than any other, and California, as the lead fool in this parade of fools, often sets the example for what not to do.

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California Pedofornia Bear Flag - GraniteGrok

Does Anyone In California Have An Ounce Of Brilliance

California is one of the Crown Jewels of America. It is a massive state that is as different from north to south as America itself. I have not had the pleasure of visiting the state and driving the length of the PCH, but with the current condition of California, I think I will remove it from my wishlist.

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Leading the Nation in Making People Jobless and Homeless

Democrats reportedly are celebrating after passing their $20. hr min wage for many businesses. Yup, a victory for labor rights, they say, only there is a cost. As predicted, fast food chains are scrambling to adjust. Layoffs of full-time employment, cutting hours, some even closing up. Topping this off, prices are rising as we knew they would.

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California: Jake From State Farm Might Not be Your “Good” Neighbor For Much Longer …

The first Jake from State Farm commercial was a good ad because it was funny. A husband is confronted by his untrusting wife, who doesn’t believe he’d be on the phone talking to their insurance agent that late at night. “What are you wearing, Jake from State Farm?” she asks.

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Green Revolution: A Wealth Transfer from Poor to Rich That Doesn’t Reduce Emissions*

You don’t need liberty-aligned bloggers to tell you that the renewable energy scheme is an expensive scam. The state laboratory of California is doing a fine job of that. It is the movement’s mentor and demon poster child for failure.

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Warning to Moms – Part 2

Erin Friday lives in California and has written checks to the ACLU and Planned Parenthood in accordance with her dutiful liberal worldview.  She is also the mother of a seven-year-old daughter who she witnessed get sucked into the orbit of the new gender ideology movement.

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Sponsor of California’s New Gender-Neutral “Toy” Mandate … Genders Toys

The Marxist goons in Leftistan (DBA California) passed a law requiring retailers with 500 or more employees to include a gender-neutral children’s section or face a 500.00 fine. Well, of course, they did, but wait until you hear what the sponsor had to say about it.

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Legislation Could Require Health Insurance to Cover Infertility Drugs … For Men Having Trouble Getting Pregnant

You’ve heard the term when pigs fly. How about the one where progressive left-coasters advance legislation requiring insurance companies to define pigs that can’t fly as disabled and eligible for medical intervention? Now, replace pigs with “men” (that should be easy) and fly with “pregnancy” (not as easy).

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California Pedofornia Bear Flag - GraniteGrok

No One From Tennessee, Wyoming, or Oklahoma Seem To Want To Move to New Hampshire

I can’t say whether anyone from states like Florida, Wyoming, Tennessee, the Carolinas or Dakotas, or any other appealing redder states uprooted to move to New Hampshire, but it seems unlikely. Californians, however – we got a bunch of those.

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LA Is Full of Whores – Is Anyone Surprised by That?

Califronia legalied prostitition. What could go wrong? Well, whatever one might expect. Increased visibility, more human trafficking, and wait for it. The cops can’t talk to the girls (unless they look underage), but they are all about ending the trafficking.

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