One of the inconvenient truths of the Transgender Agenda is that before you can be transgender, you have to be a boy. Those are the rules I’ve read. The Gaystapo/Rainbow Mafia has been quite clear about this. You have to be born into a boy’s body. A girl can’t identify as a transgirl; that would be bigoted. I’d like to suggest some girls try it to see what the haters have to say if they make that claim. Hey, I’m a transgirl too. How are you going to prove me wrong? Where’s my special treatment? At the same time, the rainbow mafia et al. insist – is adamant – that it will go to war in defense of the idea that the boy is a girl or a woman.
Physical and genetic differences are not relevant. Dangly bit where they don’t belong are not a barrier to girl power. Once declared, they are women whether they adopt stereotypical female garb or social habits. They are transwomen, hear them roar (in a beautiful baritone or bass). This is what is in their heads. It is what they write and say. We are meant to believe it, but do they? If that is true, that they are a girl or a woman, how could they be opposed to a shirt that says save girls sports or save women’s sports? It should not be offensive, but it is because they don’t believe it either. Everyone is pretending. Otherwise, there would be no reason for this.
Martin Luther King High School in Riverside, California, is at war with its own wokeism. The school administration has clearly embraced the boys are girls theology, but the girls without Y chromosomes have stood up with student backing.
“When our school won’t let a girl wear this shirt who lost her varsity spot for a biological male so everyone wears them and they try to not let us into school, dress code us and keep us out of class for voicing our opinion and supporting a friend. Crazy how the world works,” a caption from the video reads.
Ironically, it is the gender-bending progressives who taught them to be rebellious. To stand up and question the system. To march in protest and risk punishment for what they believe – as long as it’s what THEY think. There is one hitch. The back of the shirt reads, “It’s Common Sense XX≠XY.”
A truer thing cannot be said. No amount of drugs, surgery, clothing, mannerisms, or makeup can change that. They will never be girls, which is the thing the rainbow mafia refuses to accept and why they’d never agree that a Save Girls sports shirt should empower transgirls.
Note: This same school is being sued by two girls (pictured above) who wore the shirts to a meet after one of them lost her Varsity spot to a boy pretending to be a girl.