Leading the Nation in Making People Jobless and Homeless - Granite Grok

Leading the Nation in Making People Jobless and Homeless

Democrats reportedly are celebrating after passing their $20. hr min wage for many businesses. Yup, a victory for labor rights, they say, only there is a cost. As predicted, fast food chains are scrambling to adjust. Layoffs of full-time employment, cutting hours, some even closing up. Topping this off, prices are rising as we knew they would.

Welcome to California.

Burger King in Los Angeles reports a price increase. The Texas double whopper, which was $15.09, is now $16.98. The big fish meal, which was $7.49, is now $11.49. How will customers respond? I don’t think they will be thrilled.

Fosters Freeze was paying its crew $16.00 hr now – – nothing. The doors are closed. Pizza Hut laid off over 1200 delivery drivers, and many small businesses expect to see reduced profits. Wonder how much tax money the state will lose and how they intend to make up the differance? Of course, the democratic way is to raise taxes. With the increase in unemployment, those benefits will be more in demand, along with gratuities’ being given to illegals. Sunny Cal looks forward to a darter future.

Can things get worse, well yes of course, while politicians celebrate, whispers of $50.hr. have been heard in quiet corners of leftist strongholds.. If twenty has crippled the beast, then fifty is sure to kill it. While democrats ponder the side effects of their victory, there is then the question of population loss again affecting the state economy. Will citizens, even devout democrats of the working class, tolerate this absurd mismanagement for much longer?

Stay tuned for the next episode of We Told Them So, coming soon.
