How Google Is Run By The CIA And Is Rigging The Election

I’m sure that the response of New Hampshire’s free-marketeers to this post would be something along the lines of … Google is a private company and as such has an absolute right to bias its search results any way it wishes, … has an absolute right to employ as may ex-CIA as it wants … if you don’t like it, build your own Google, … blah, blah, blah.

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Hey A.I. – Who has more Rights: Parents or LGBT people? Part 2

by Skip

So, we left off with Bard  throwing in with the Left in declaring words (sex) can be redefined at any time for political ideology (“gender identity”). And Speech Coercion by Government is a fine thing for Government to tell us how to speak and think:

Yes, a transgender student has the right to be called by their preferred pronouns by others.

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Data Point – Big Tech Hates Republicans

by Skip

Silicon Valley and its ilk have long left their more libertarian ideas behind and are solidly behind the more autocratic and Collectivist Party…but you knew that already, didn’t you? Well, here’s some quantification of your belief in that: (H/T: Powerline)

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