And Just Like That NH-NeverTrump Is Against Rigged Elections

Ed Mosca

It is gospel over at NH-NeverTrumpJournal that the 2020 election was pristine pure as the virgin snow. In NH-NeverTrumpJournal’s Trump-hating alternate political universe, there was no censorship of Hunter Biden’s laptop and no such thing as Zuckerbucks.

Did NeverTrump really think that the Left would confine their cheating to Trump? Were they really that naive? Apparently that is what Mr. Michael Graham at NH-NeverTrumpJournal believed. Here he is having a twitter temper tantrum over what passes as business-as-usual for the NH-media, blatant bias in favor of the NH-Democrats:

Yes, Michael, that is the standard for “journalism” in New Hampshire. Let me explain. Democrats like Shaheen, Hassan, Pappas get to vote like AOC and Bernie up till election-year and then in an election-year they get to call themselves “moderates” and the NH-media doesn’t just go along with it, they push that narrative.

So in Landrigan’s mind, of course Hassan should get to set the terms for debates. The GOP’s role is to “lose gracefully.” Landrigan’s response to NH-NeverTrumpJournal:

The NH-GOP has only themselves to blame for NH-media acting like it is normal to blatantly favor the NH-Democrats. The so-called leaders of the NH-GOP never push back against the bias and persist in the pathetic delusion that by groveling to Adam Sexton and the rest of the fake-news they will get a fair shake. Not graceful losers, pathetic and weak losers.


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