Beto O’Rouke – Govt WILL mandate what your belief is. HE will decide what you believe in – not your Scriptures.

by Skip

“Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.” -Hillary Clinton. Robert Francis (culture appropriator of “Beto”) O’Rourke certainly agrees.  He’s like a swinging machine gun with Progressive “bullets of infringements” as he struggles for any kind of foot hold … Read more

Gun Control: When a Soy Boy Meets a FUDD

The lame stream media is all over the story about Robert ‘Beto’ O’Rourke going to a gun show in Conway, Arkansas and talking to ‘gun owners’ in a ‘red state.’ It’s not clear if he talked to anyone who actually supports the 2nd Amendment but he certainly met some FUDDS: Of course, anyone who is … Read more

Beto – Born To Be Mocked

by Tom

This week, 46 year old Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke announced his candidacy for President.  Leaving his skateboard aside, he did it from his grown-up living room couch, his adoring wife clasped at his side. I can’t believe I get to heckle this Kennedy-wannabe, as he swings repeatedly into New Hampshire over the coming year.  If … Read more

A political point well made

by Skip

This would be the race between incumbent (and re-elected) Ted Cruz and his Progressive / Socialist opponent, Robert Francis (“Beto”) O’Rourke.  The former being the real Hispanic and the latter being the Irishman deciding he would identify as a Hispanic because the means justifies the end in Progressive politics. You know, like lilly white Elizabeth … Read more

Robert Francis O'Rourke - Beto

Call Me…Whatever It Takes

What to do with “Beto” O’Rourke. He spent so much money, double his opponent, and has nothing to show for it. Texas is still Texas, and California transplants haven’t’ done much to swamp the place with the socialism and irreversible state debt they escaped for a new life on a new host. But take heart … Read more

Deep down, this is NOT about guns

by Skip

Progressives are all about taking freedoms away either by having Bigger Government that makes the “right” decisions “for us” that they don’t ever believe we’d make or just outright taking things away completely so that we have no chance to make a decision at all.  “You can only buy the healthcare we allow you to!” was their rally cry for Obamacare – their “justification” was that we all are too stupid to know what is good for us.  “You can’t invest in that” for some industries or companies at all unless you are a “qualified” investor says Government bureaucrats (“we know your money better than you do!”).

US Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is running for re-election against uber-Progressive Beto-O’Rourke and things are getting heated:

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