Whitewash Islamism

Islam in America

Western Europe is culturally dying and will ultimately lose its independence to new arrivals: Muslims. Eventually, they will be forced to fully embrace Islam or else. This means America will be next, and no one is doing anything about it!

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Muslim Assimilation… Part 1 of 4

Muslim immigrants self-ghettoize. Even in a very politically correct (PC) Europe the leftists have noticed this. They segregate; they do not attempt to become European. There is no assimilation. Why does this happen? Mohammed and the Quran are the simple answer. So, what does it tell us? Islam is superior in its own world view… Islam … Read more

Immigration Policy

Strong immigration policy is foundational to remaining a nation. It is part of what has made the United States exceptional. Today the debate over immigration and border security is toxic. Many are simply paralyzed on the issue. The result is the security of all Americans is being held hostage. The Marxist open borders agenda is … Read more

LtE Doodlings – This stands as well today as it did back in 2006

by Skip

Illegals and EconomyI’m trying to find some information in the second level basement of my emails – with well over 10GB of emails, there’s a lot of sub-basements to look through.  I stumbled across this Letter to the Editor and unfortunately, it rings as true today as it did back in 2006 (reformatted):

Doug Lambert’s column pointed out the differences between those coming here to be Americans and share our responsibilities and those here only to work and benefit from our prosperity. Ms. Morrissette amplified that, only to be taken to task by both Mr. Babcock and Mr. Cracraft. And, both of them missed the nuances and essential points of the discussion.

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Your Tax Dollars Hard At Work!

“It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.” ~Edmund Burke And when older people are yelling, “Don’t cut my Social Security!” Do you think they know about this community in Tacoma Washington? SO here you have it….Obama pimping the old people to keep … Read more

When Homeland Security Becomes Racist


“Every Muslim, the minute he can start differentiating, carries hate towards Americans, Jews, and Christians; this is part of our ideology. Ever since I can recall I felt at war with the Americans and had feelings of animosity and hate toward them…” –Usama Bin Laden, December, 1998 on Al Jazeera

From across the fruited plain come the hues and cries yet again declaring, “racism and bigotry!” Isn’t free speech a real gem?

A former New York State prison official gave testimony Wednesday at a second Homeland Security hearing in Washington asserting that radical Islam is making in-rows into the American penal system. In a report by Fox News, A New York prisons official testified that radical Muslims have made “sustained efforts” to indoctrinate inmates in America, at a second hearing on Islamic radicalization held by Rep. Peter King.

 And as with King’s first hearings held on back in March, Wednesday’s hearing was just as fraught with cacophonous protests and cries of racism. Representative Bennie Thompson, a Democrat from Mississippi and ranking Democrat on the House Homeland Security Committee, says, “The threat of terrorism from U.S. converts in prison is ‘small.'” Enter Laura Richardson, a liberal, Kool-Aid drinking Democrat from California who suggested the hearing was “racist,” further asking why Muslims in prisons are being targeted as opposed to other religious or ethnic minorities,” reports Fox News.

 An imam who works as a chaplain in a county jail on Long Island was one such protestor of the King Homeland Security hearing. says this imam, “I have seen no evidence of terrorist recruitment at the jail.” Yet this “peace-loving” imam goes on to tell Fox News, “If we found anyone in our community committing an act of terrorism, by the time the police got there the matter would be settled and there would be one less terrorist,” can you feel the brotherly love?

 So, what did the cops all have to say?

 Patrick Dunleavy, a retired corrections official in New York told the committee that radical Muslims have been trying to convert U.S. inmates to their cause for decades. “Despite appearances, prison walls are porous. Individuals and groups that subscribe to radical Islamic ideology have made sustained efforts to target inmates for indoctrination.”

 Former California federal prosecutor Kevin Smith cited the cases of Kevin James and Levar Washington, who both plead guilty in 2007 to “conspiracy to levy war against the United States through terrorism.”

Smith characterized the actions of both men as a “seditious conspiracy” hatched inside California’s prison system.

 Top Los Angeles Police Department official Michael Downing, described the radical Islamic conversions as a “phenomena of low volume,” but holds “high consequence” considering the sheer size of the U.S. prison population.  “We do have a problem,” he said. “Prisons are communities at risk.” 

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The No Labels Lie Starts Today

The New Hampshire Sleeper Cell of No Labels woke up and puts it’s cloven hooves on the ground today, as did all the other franchises nationwide. The group, founded by a trio of democrat national political consultants, has had plenty of ink at GraniteGrok already (11/17/10 and 12/1/10) because it is imperative that we understand who they are and why they should be avoided.

Public School Propoganda So Obvious It’s Absurd.

Have you heard of Upfront Magazine?  It’s a product of the New York Times, delivered through Scholastic, to public schools and then public school students, and it is not much different from the actual New York Times.  For example, the September 6th 2010 issue has articles that promote workers rights in China (promoting Unions), seek to explain the complex problem with illegal immigrants (soft selling Amnesty), and then there’s the cover article–‘Americas Challenges 2011,’ a discourse on some of the issues that our new President Obama must cope with.

Here are the opening few paragraphs.  You ready for it?

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Two Of A Kind

John Lynch has a lot in common with governor Chet Culver of Ohio.  Chet said he would protect marriage as between a man and a woman and then Chet got all squishy.  Then he stood by and let the courts define marriage for him. Want to know some other interesting coincidences?  Chet was receiving money from … Read more

ONE! Singular Deception…

ONE -- Big deceptionThe ONE campaign is back in New Hampshire and looking for fresh souls to trap in its twisted web of deception.  While liberals are always ripe for a sob story ONE is always looking for unsuspecting so-called conservatives and republicans to call friend.  And the GOP is easy pray.  After years of being framed by the media as cold-hearted war mongers who spend long days smoking cigars and oppressing the worlds poor for the gain of their corporate paymasters, nothing looks better to them than being seen with a group like ONE campaign. 

Unless of course you’ve seen the Black Widow waiting at the center of the ONE web.

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