Muslim Assimilation… Part 1 of 4


Muslim immigrants self-ghettoize. Even in a very politically correct (PC) Europe the leftists have noticed this. They segregate; they do not attempt to become European. There is no assimilation. Why does this happen? Mohammed and the Quran are the simple answer. So, what does it tell us?

Islam is superior in its own world view…

Islam is a complete civilization. It considers itself superior to all others. Islam considers European, American, Hindu, Confucian; all civilizations inferior. Doctrine requires Muslims to convert, enslave or execute all Kafir. Islamic doctrine creates the barrier between the Kafirs, the non-believers, and Muslims, the believers.

Mohammad and assimilation…

Let’s take the first example of assimilation in Mohammad’s life. Mohammad lived in Mecca where he preached and taught. In doing so he created arguments over his god, Allah, and his supporters. So much so, the Meccans persuaded him to leave town. They did so by telling him he had to leave town. He left and went to Medina.

Half the town of Medina belonged to three Jewish tribes. Five years later there was no assimilation, rather there was annihilation. The Jewish tribes were annihilated through enslavement, execution and exile. All the remaining Arabs of Medina became Muslim motivated by the process with the Jews. This is the ultimate non-assimilation. It is annihilation of the native culture.


This is the pattern of Islam throughout time, in all its dealings with kafir, the non-believers. This is important, because in Islam, Mohammad is the perfect example of the perfect Muslim. Therefore this is Sunna. Sunna is by definition the body of Islamic custom and practice based on Mohammad’s words and deeds.

The execution of the Jews of Medina created the doctrine of the Jews. The doctrine separates Jews from Muslims. At first Islam is very friendly toward the Jews. But in Medina this all changed. The Jews were annihilated. Annihilation is the ultimate non-assimilation.


We see this pattern not only in Medina. It is repeated in Turkey which used to be Christian. North Africa used to be Christian. Egypt used to be Christian. Iraq used to be Christian. Syria used to be Christian. What happened to these Christian territories? They became Islamic. This was accomplished by annihilation not assimilation.

This process does not happen only to Christians. Afghanistan used to be Buddhist. Pakistan used to be Hindu. Malaysia used to be Hindu. But now after undergoing the ultimate form of annihilation they are all Islamic. None is assimilated.

The doctrine…

The doctrine of Islam includes annihilation. It does not include assimilation. Every Muslim you meet is not going to come across as though they want to annihilate you. However, remember this, all Islam has two faces.

There is the face of Mecca which is kind and peaceful enough. The Muslims then are all, we are happy to be here. We don’t have any demands. When Muslims are not in a position of strength, this face they show.

Then there is the face of Medina which shows when Muslims are in a position of strength. When Muslims are strong they become very assertive, assertive to the point of annihilation. There are two Islams; a strong Islam and a weak Islam. They are steps in a process.


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