The Limitless (Constitutional) Hypocrisy of the Democrats

This: I’m not going to opine on the dispute between Sununu and the Democrats about who controls the Coronavirus money shipped to the State by the Feds. That’s besides the point. The point is that the Democrats don’t really give a damn about the Constitution. It is, to them, just something to be invoked when … Read more


Sununu Has No Authority to Allow Mail-in-Voting

So on April 8th, President Trump tweeted this: And on April 10th, Governor Sununu announced that he was allowing Mail-in-Voting: Sununu has no legal authority to allow Mail-in-Voting, but let’s first dispose of the claim that Sununu has not done so. From the link in Sununu’s tweet: 4. September 8, 2020 Primary and November 3, … Read more

A Boost from Ed’s post: “So, Governor, You Want to Talk About the Constitutionality of HB 1264? Let’s Talk.”

by Skip

voted-by- mail vote absentee in your own stateI thought these comments get to the nub and heart of the problem – seemingly, Progressives can’t understand it at all.  I guess it’s the same bigotry of low expectations when they scream and holler that requiring “oppressed, minority, and underrepresented communities” can’t do the same things to get an ID like everyone else.  What is so dang hard about out of state tuition?

Liberal Conservative • 2 days ago
This is not complicated in any way. Here’s the test: do you pay out of state tuition? Yes. Then vote via absentee ballot from your state of residence because you can’t vote in NH. I just don’t understand what is so difficult about this.

Bryan W  Liberal Conservative • 6 hours ago
It’s not difficult. I know I’ve posted here before – when my daughters decided to become Utah residents so they could get in-state tuition there, the process there was simple, but could take up to a year: 1) Establish yourself at an address. 2) Get a Utah drivers license or non-drivers ID. 3) Register your car(s) in Utah if you have any. 4) Register to vote using that ID. 5) Pay in-state income tax or property tax (even if you don’t owe anything). You have to satisfy 3 out of 5 tests, then you can get in-state tuition. Gaining residency for voting purposes here should be no less stringent.

But Progressives say “that’s too HAAAaaarrdd” for college students to do.  After all, a WHOLE YEAR??  Oh wait – they’re here for four, right? So let me get this straight:

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