Whose Voters Are Stupid?

Steve MacDonald

If you pay more attention to the approved narratives than a caffeinated kid with ADD, you can create a paint-by-numbers picture in your mind. Republican voters are idiots. But if that’s true, then the recent decision by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has to be a good thing. It ruled that improperly dated mail-in ballots won’t be counted. They shall be discarded. The lower court – which presumably has intelligent people running it- acted unconstitutionally when it ruled it could.

Wait, there’s more.

The Left’s alleged voting rights cabal that filed the suit only sued in the name of the interests of two counties. The State Supreme Court said that the lower court couldn’t rule on this matter because PA has 67 counties, which are not all in its jurisdiction. Therefore, it cannot speak for them.

Super-smart activists, including the ACLU, got the lawsuit wrong, argued it, and the liberal-leaning lower court assumed no one would notice?

Those dopey Republicans challenged the ruling and won in the State’s allegedly super-smart liberal-leaning high court. But never fear. Those other smart people aren’t through yet.

“Today’s procedural ruling is a setback for Pennsylvania voters, but we will keep fighting for them. These eligible voters who got their ballots in on time should have their votes counted and voices heard,” Steve Loney, an attorney for the ACLU of Pennsylvania, said in a statement. “The fundamental right to vote is among the most precious rights we enjoy as Pennsylvanians, and it should take more than a trivial paperwork error to take it away.”

We know you’re not concerned about every voter’s rights, and if Republicans are stupid, doesn’t this work to your advantage? Those really smart Democrat voters won’t improperly date their mail-in ballots. After all, many of them are filled out by Democrat activists who can’t be too stupid to get that wrong. This ought to be a huge win for the left.

But it’s not.

Are they suggesting that their voters are the stupid ones?

And how smart is it to hold up delivery of absentee or mail-in ballots because of all this litigation? The state has reportedly held off while it waits for a ruling (it presumably likes). If this stays tied up in court too long, smart people won’t get their ballots in time to fill them out for the dumb voters.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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