baby-in-womb-vector-clipart goodfreephotos

SCOTUS Did Not Ban Abortion

News flash for idiots: the Supreme Court of the United States did not ban abortion. Disregard what Maggie Hassan and Chris Pappas are telling you. In the vast majority of States, women can still get legal abortions with very few changes, and big blue States have no changes at all. Remember, it’s October right before … Read more

Maggie The Red Hassan

There she goes again – Maggie “The Red” Hassan

With “Red” standing for the traditional color of Socialists… If Folks haven’t learned already that Maggie Hassan is a liar, her most recent attack on Don Bolduc proves that she is. According to Hassan, if Don Bolduc gets elected in her steed to the US Senate, he will push for a full ban on all … Read more

Grok Logo

Announcement: GraniteGrok Endorsement for US Senate

by Skip

And no, it wasn’t Chuck Morse, the Sununu and RNC/GOP handpicked maiden – he didn’t get a single vote.  Either did Kevin Smith (who is dead last in the polls), the other Establishment candidate. This is what happens when you decide that we aren’t good enough for you.

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maggie hassan youtube

Maggie “The Budget Hawk” Hassan

Maggie “The Budget Hawk” Hassan’s latest ad explains that she is busily reducing the prices of oil and gasoline that are plaguing us.  She is portraying herself as having “fiscal responsibility” in another one and being praised as a budget hawk.

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Maggie The Red Hassan

No Thank You, Senator Hassan!

I just watched her latest political commercial in stunned disbelief.  In the video she proposes giving us simple serfs a federal gas tax holiday, while concurrently emptying our strategic oil reserves.

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Kevin Smith from Kevin Smith Senate website

2020 Senatorial Campaign: Kevin Smith

by Skip

I haven’t done much to capture candidates across the State this cycle. For the most part, I’ve let them come to me (not going out as much with a young family in the form of the Grandson). But last night?

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Laughing sununu as NH Flag burns

Breaking News – Governor Chris Sununu is Not running for the US Senate

by Skip

UPDATE: Kelly Ayotte decided she liked her seats on corporate Boards and isn’t running for anything. Now, it is randomized chaos on the Republican side now.  Interesting times ahead!

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu says he is not going to look to follow former US Senator John E. Sununu to The Swamp. Instead, he’s going to stay here in Concord. Or, at least, that’s his plan.

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