No Thank You, Senator Hassan!


I just watched her latest political commercial in stunned disbelief.  In the video she proposes giving us simple serfs a federal gas tax holiday, while concurrently emptying our strategic oil reserves.

Does she think that by taking these actions, the more than doubled gas prices she’s given us, will temporarily be lowered until after the election?

Does she really believe that this transparent ploy will fool Granite Staters?

Does she really believe that we will forget the rampant inflation, rising interest rates and crime, out of control spending, weak foreign policy, open borders, and the general incompetence of this congress and this administration? Let’s dig a little deeper into her shamelessly political plan.

  • Our strategic oil reserves are to be used for national emergencies, like war or catastrophic natural disasters, not political bailouts.
  • Politicians gave us the federal gas tax, to supposedly help us maintain our infrastructure, it obviously didn’t work.

We know this because Congress just passed a 1.2 trillion dollar slush fund to repair our infrastructure – sound familiar?

We want to thank Michael Petruzziello for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
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It should, the $800 billion dollar American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, was supposed to do the very same thing. It didn’t.

The common thread here is that the American taxpayer is paying for it all. We pay the gas tax, we pay to fill the oil reserves, and we pay for every other bit of their wasteful spending.

Now she wants to give us, as Nancy likes to say, some “crumbs” back, using our own money!

Imagine paying a dishonest contractor, multiple times, to repave your driveway, but they never show up to do the work.

Would you continue to trust that contractor, and continue to pay them for doing nothing? Why should we re-elect any of them to “repave” our country?

They’ve already spent more that 2 trillion dollars, and given us nothing in return.

Maybe it’s time we start electing real people, not politicians.

People who will not serve themselves, people who will not serve foreign nationals, and people who will not serve their political party masters.

We need to elect real people, who understand that they are elected to serve the people of New Hampshire, period.

This November, we the people, should send a message to our so-called representatives.

This is our land, not yours, and we are not your serfs.


Michael Petruzziello
Major, USMC (Ret)
Wolfeboro, NH


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