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A Bleg for Katlin Viar

by Skip

I met Katlin Viar last week as she is transitioning from the RNC to the Trump Victory campaign staff and was curious about GraniteGrok.  She is asking for a bit of help: I know this is the last minute – but I was wondering if you could reach out to your network for me. I … Read more

Quick Thought – Have to give John Delaney credit for working hard

by Skip

John Delaney holds 100th presidential campaign event in N.H. Interns for John Delaney hustled out of Atkinson Community Center and to their cars with signs and donuts at 9:15 Tuesday morning. They didn’t have time to waste. Their candidate, who’s in the back of a crowded field of Democrats vying for the presidency in 2020, … Read more

First Dem debate 2019 night 1

“By their debates, ye shall know them”

by Skip

OK, I’m plaigerizing, a tad, Matt 7:16 (“Ye shall know them by their fruits”) and I swapped the clauses around, well, just a couple takeaways from the two nights.  I actually missed most of both of them because of meeting but I think that these perfectly summarize the mindset of the mainstream Democrat elected politicians: … Read more

So we are to believe that Joe Biden can…

by Skip

Slow starter? I am surprised, however, that his current poll numbers are twice that of his nearest Democrat competitor in the 2020 Presidential campaign, given that his previous attempts have been only 1-2%.  Has he become all that good, or are his competitors really that bad in comparison? Fifty years though???? (H/T: Powerline)

Joe Biden Hope N Change

Yep, Biden’s got a bit of baggage behind him…

by Skip

He’s hoping that the third time’s the charm.  We actually interviewed him back in 2007 while he was at the Margate Hotel for a meeting when he was running back then.  Genial kind of fellow – didn’t quite know what to make of bloggers like us back then.  Wonder if he’d still be willing to … Read more

Hypocrite much? Fine for me but not for thee?

by Skip

Socialism – where the powerful grow richer. And get “special” considerations. And want special privileges that they then wish to deny others access to. A few more: Pete gets to badmouth Christians (so much for tolerance) Joe thinks Republicans want to put black into chains Kirsten now wants to tax us in order for us … Read more

BlogQuestion of the Day: Free? Free? Free?

by Skip

“All these Democratic candidates want free college for everyone. Which one worked for free as a professor?” Actually, have any of them ever worked professionally for free? I’m not talking about the lawyers in the bunch doing the occasional pro-bono work, or the others doing something free on an occasional basis.  The question is, how … Read more


Bernie Sanders is not a Hypocrite

Bernie Sanders is a millionaire. Indeed. From Bum to millions, the laziest, most useless man in America is running to be the leader of the free world. Sanders earned over 1.7 Million in the last two years and owns three homes, despite never having a real job or ever earning a livable wage. Where did Bernie get his, “free lunch,” break? Politics. We all know this so there is no point in pouring over the details.

People now call Bernie Sanders a hypocrite for extolling the virtues of the capitalist system. Bernie wrote a book, got it published, made the New York Times Best Seller List and raked in the dough that followed. The book eschews the wealthy as evil and schemes to take their wealth. Bernie unwittingly extolls the virtues of capitalism and encourages others to do the same. Irony.

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Mike Mears RNC - 603 Summit

603 Summit: Mike Mears – Republican National Committee

by Skip

Mike Mears from the RNC (Republican National Committee) is the first official speaker of the day. He talks about transitioning from his job as the Director of Strategic Partnerships in Faith Engagement to taking a more active role in the RNC’s 2020 campaign to reelect President Donald Trump. Previous Videos: 603 Alliance “Liberty trumps Socialism” … Read more

If Bill Weld is appealing to the NeverTrumper wing of the GOP…

by Skip

…he may get it with this: Weld, in a statement, responded, “I am happy to tell her what millions of her own party are thinking. ‘This guy’ has been the most destructive and divisive president in the history of our nation. ‘This guy’ has demeaned Americans from every walk of life, including women, the disabled … Read more


Kamala Harris: But Wait, There’s More

Two and a half weeks into the six-year Senate term with which her constituents entrusted her, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) has announced that she’s setting her sights on a different field of play. Bring on the 2020 presidential campaign. Granite Grok’s Steve MacDonald has already outlined Sen. Harris’s distaste for the First Amendment and her … Read more

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