Quick Thought – Have to give John Delaney credit for working hard

by Skip

John Delaney holds 100th presidential campaign event in N.H.

Interns for John Delaney hustled out of Atkinson Community Center and to their cars with signs and donuts at 9:15 Tuesday morning. They didn’t have time to waste. Their candidate, who’s in the back of a crowded field of Democrats vying for the presidency in 2020, had just wrapped up his first event of the day, and the next, Delaney’s 100th in New Hampshire, was about to start. “I just got to chain myself to the mast and get to the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary,” said Delaney, who is polling at 0.2% nationally, according to Real Clear Politics. “I think those voters will be a little different.” No candidate has held half as many New Hampshire events as Delaney. By sundown Tuesday, the former U.S. Representative from Maryland will have logged 102 appearances in the Granite State. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand has the second-most at 38.

I also have to admit that he made the best of his few minutes of speaking time during the Democrat Debates last week.  While the obviously hyper-Progressive crowd didn’t like his answer honed from, you know, actually have run businesses and make payroll, I’m betting that a lot of folks were thinking “gee, compared to the rest of the Clown Car Communists up on stage…

Sidenote: Yes, it seems obvious that not having been able to tell the rest of us how Democrats differ from Socialists, they’re continuing to slide left.  I guess Marx was right when he said that Socialism was just a waypoint to full blown Communism.  And yes, Ray Buckley (NH Dem Party Chair), if the Communist Party USA is beaming at yours with happiness, you’re not doing “American” right.

…he actually sounded strangely rational and sane.  In comparison that is.

But I do have to say that NH can appreciate that hard work and even we have to nod our heads in approval – 100+ events.  Nose to the grindstone and, yes (contra his rival, Elizabeth Warren’s ideology that nobody is successful without her government), persistence, you DID “build that” record on your own.  Even if the ever Left-er leaning Democrat Primary voter doesn’t vote for you, they have to acknowledge that you’ve done what NH has always offered less well known candidates – get into a position where people will listen to you.

So with that: hey Mr. Delany, when we get GrokTALK! back up and running, would you be willing to run our Conservative gauntlet? Are you willing to talk to anyone, including we Groksters? We like hard workers and I offer you a chance.  After all, if you make it through the Primary, you still have to convince people like us in the General.  I’m not saying you would, but like NH, we’re willing to talk with anyone.

Unlike your Democrat Party, we’re more interested in your stances then, ahem, how you’re placing in the polls or how many donors you have.

(H/T: Concord Monitor)

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