John Kasich

No kidding, Horshack

by Skip

SHOT: Kasich: I Can’t Shake The Feeling That I’d Lose To Trump In A Republican Primary CHASER: And this took you HOW long to realize this? I have a rather dim view of the man politically.  If you look at his record, he’s closer to No Labels than Republicans, and often, moving leftward from there.  In … Read more


Update: “once untrustworthy, always restricted” – the Communist Chinese policy that Prez wannabe Democrat Andrew Yang wants implement in the US

by Skip

Actually, that’s not the name of my post but that quote above is a better description,”once untrustworthy, always restricted”, of the “Social Trust” system that China is building.  I’ve got a few links for you to read, with pull quotes, to give you the jist of the system that Andrew Yang want to do here in the US.  No limited government he – as I said in my previous post, Yang wants a US surveillance system that would make the feared East German secret police, who had binders on EVERYONE, look like slackers.  It’s bad enough to have thousands of CCTV cameras on city streets and RFID transceivers all along our highways.  It’s bad enough to have the FAANGS  (e.g., Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google) pouring over and hoovering up our personal data (and having just signed up for Social Security, I now have a glimpse of the “teeniest, tiny-est tip of the iceburg” information the Feds gather to “verify that you are you”).

Naw, Andrew Yang wants the US to establish its own “trustworthy score” for everyone in the US – yet the nine black robed judges said that we (well, at least pregnant women) have the privacy to kill our babies? And other “intimate” acts?  How does one adjudicate the two – and worse, who decides algorithmically what is “moral” and what isn’t and then place scores on us all?

Here are the links – read them (reformatted, emphasis mine):

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Dem Prez Candidate Andrew Yang wants the Feds to be more like China in watching EVERYTHING we do.

by Skip

Andrew Yang wants to be the Democrat nominee for President and it is really clear that he’s all in on the idea of “who needs God when you’ve got Government” (aka, bastardizing the Christian Doxology of “Praise God from whom all blessings flow”). This guy from New York is already in on UBI (Universal Basic Income, along with a European style Value Added Tax of 10% to pay for it) where the Government just prints us all a check for about a grand a month because robots are going to be taking our jobs.  Yep, crawl onto the dole on the magnificent sum of $12K a year – such a bountiful life that amount would yield (anyone for Serf City?).

But there’s a much more insidious plank he’s running on, this candidate from the People’s Republic of NY and it should give anyone a real pause as to what he believes is The Proper Role of Government.  No, it’s not straight outta Compton, but it is directly out of the Chinese Communist Party’s surveillance machine / real time “reeducation camp” idea of good governance. I think this line from the American Thinker sets the stage well:

Leftists always insist that their proposals for socialism will be nothing like what’s found in communist hellholes way down the rapids to the falls. But somehow, the opening ideas are always the same.

Like I pointed out here –

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