Brenda and John Grady – Toeing the Liberal Lie in Merrimack

I wasn’t going to expend any effort on these two, Democrats,  more moderate on their face than most I am told by some, but Democrats none the less.  But today (Sunday), they dropped off a page of printed nonsense at my home which requires some attention. There are four bullet points on their missive to … Read more

Democrat Values Vs. TEA Party Values

The Entire New Hampshire Democrat party is running against the TEA Party.  They claim that they stand for New Hampshire values, not TEA Party values.  Well I can see why Democrats would object to TEA Party values but are they sure they can lay claim to New Hampshire Values? For the novices in the audience … Read more

Remembering Democrat Rule – “Look To The Sky…”

“Look to the sky when you do revenue estimates because we need the money.” -Marjorie Smith (D- Durham) Chair House Finance Committee 2007 One month after the supposed start of the ‘Great Recession™’ and just a few months after New Hampshire Democrats historic spending spree, a partisan vote of the General Court’s Joint Facilities Committee … Read more

Pledge Zombie Apocalypse

Democrat Candidate Jackie Cilley is trying to rally the extreme left of the already extreme left in the New Hampshire Democrat party by pretending to be a moderating voice for tax policy.  Her distinction without a difference (other than that she is being direct about her desire for a broad based tax) is that the … Read more

On Not being California…

New Hampshire is not California.  We are not California because with the exception of 2007-2010, we try to avoid letting Democrats run the entire state government.  (We’re also not Massachusetts for that same reason.)  And this is good, because while Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick has now implemented “cost controls” for Healthcare providers in his state, … Read more

It’s A NH Democrat Bill Kennedy Kind Of Morning…This Time It’s About Tax Burden

Bill is probably a great guy, and I’m sure he never meant to violate Department of Defense regulations by posting images of himself in uniform on a campaign web site.  But that’s not the only thing that caught my eye while I was there.  Bill is also guilty of lying by omission. You see, while … Read more

Bipolar Domicile Syndrome…For Voting Purposes…

The New Hampshire TEA Party Republican Legislature did a lot more than just eliminate the 800 Million dollar deficit Democrats willingly left behind, while writing a balanced budget, and estimating revenues that came in on target.  They also managed to repair some damage to election law in regard to domicile. SB318, vetoed by Governor Lynch, … Read more

Ray Buckley- Another Tall Tale About Budgets, Education, and Bill O’Brien

Ray Buckley, Chairman of the New Hampshire Democrat Party is quoted as having actually said this. (DiStaso – Granite Status) “The people of New Hampshire are more concerned with Bill O’Brien’s behavior acting as the House speaker, his state budget that has New Hampshire in the red, and his policies that have caused a loss … Read more

NH TEA Party Republicans Better At Revenue & Spending Estimates Than Democrats…Again

I know… New Hampshire Democrats were losing sleep in hopes of some politically-beneficial revenue numbers, and guess what?  They were politically beneficial….To TEA Party Republicans. The Union Leader is reporting that New Hampshire state revenues were slightly above estimates in July, with solid performances that suggest we are budgeting wisely so that the working families … Read more

What The…? How About That NH Ranking Report Thing Take 2…

WordPress ate my post…. Sorry.  I tried to add links from reports released in 2012 to the previous post and WordPress nuked me.  I lost some stuff.  It was a regular Shakespearean tragedy.  But I’m not giving up so let’s try this again. New Hampshire is awesome and despite  “TEA party Republicans” eliminating the 800 … Read more

Bill Clinton Endorses Maggie Hazz…um….Hasss….uh..Who Are You Again?

There have been no reports of sexual harassment (that’s Her-Ass-Meant) during President Bill Clinton’s recent drive-by endorsement of New Hampshire Democrat Margret ‘Louisville Slugger’ Hassan.  But Clinton did have enough time to say some stuff. “There’s a great plan for the future of the state of New Hampshire: Smoke more, learn less,” Clinton said. You’d think … Read more

Candidate Maggie Hassan To Get Clinton Endorsement…

Imagine welcoming the political endorsement of a perjurer and accused serial sex offender?  Well that’s what Maggie Hassan has done.  She is pleased as punch to have the endorsement of former President William Jefferson Clinton of the Lewinsky, cigar, bimbo eruptions, depends on what “is” is fame. Seacoast Online has the goods. “This (endorsement) signifies … Read more

Evil Tea Party Manipulates NH House To Produce First Balanced State Budget Since 2006

Hey.  If we (the TEA party/Right wing activists, etc)  are going to get blamed (by left wing radical Democrats) for making the New Hampshire House and Senate write and pass legislation (that reduces spending, taxes, regulation, and increases liberty and freedom), then we damn well deserve credit for this. It’s the end of the two-year … Read more

Nothing Like A “Veto Day” To Bring Out Liberal Concern For Overtaxation

“The same undisciplined government spending and social engineering that has undermined our economy over the past 30 years has also been tearing at the social fabric of this land.”   —Stockwell Day The New Hampshire House and Senate will vote today  to override Governor John Lynch’s veto of two bills that sought to  allow Granite … Read more

Democrat Election Law Flashback! (It’s not just Voter Fraud…)

The New Hampshire Dead People party (NHDP) has made voter fraud easy so they could commit it at will while continuing to insist there is none.  And proof is not proof.  Getting a ballot without even a challenge is not an example of how easy it is to ….get a ballot without being challenged. Another … Read more

A Brief History of President Obama’s Fiscal Record

Despite new-found concern with the debt overhang stifling economic growth, President Obama’s record falls far short of his rhetoric. Let’s review the decisions made by President Obama and Congressional Democrats over the past couple of years, and the disappointing results of their policy choices:

“Psst! Hey Buddy. Want to Buy A Train?”

What he meant was that if we added commuter rail “there would be more spending than we could even contemplate at this point.”

Recovery From Irresponsible Democrat Budgets

To the Editor: Every child knows which parent to approach for permission to do something risky, expensive, inappropriate, or too impractical.    The parent who says “No” is called “mean”, “uncaring“, “selfish”, etc.      Some marriages have problems because over-spending threatens  financial disaster, e.g., eviction, inability to purchase real needs like food and health insurance.  Sometimes one … Read more

Don’t Get Buzzed…

I listen to the highly rated “Morning Buzz” radio show on occasion, as I drive to work in the morning (WGIR-Manchester FM 101.1).  Over the past few days, the crew has been talking about their invitation and attendance yesterday, to the inauguration of New Hampshire’s Governor, John Lynch. I’ve heard enough.  The slobbering and celebrity … Read more

Why Bill O’Brien for Speaker: Reason #3

As promised, I now turn to the third reason—actually a "bundle of reasons"—why the new Speaker of the New Hampshire House of Representatives should be Bill O’Brien. But first, I must state that it is not my intent to launch a personal attack against Gene Chandler. He was the last "real" Republican Speaker of the House in 2003 and 2004, and is … Read more