Big Tech cuts off the money supply

Pelosi Claims Control of Free Speech

Social media is becoming decidedly unsociable. There is a lot of misinformation on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. But that is only one issue. Another social media issue is users scumming, snubbing, bullying or shunning one another. It is quite another when the platforms censor and control the users. It is a third when, … Read more

Frame conversation framing

Re-framing, Part 2 (Money In Politics Edition)

In a recent post, I wrote about the importance of “framing the conversation.”  I cited a segment on Tucker Carlson’s show in which he debated a Bernie Sanders surrogate over the Green New Deal. In response to my post, a Grok reader added some remarks in the comments section.

Free Speech Silenced

The Future of Free Speech is in Jeopardy

While the Courts and even the ACLU are still defending free speech, the campus culture is doing everything in its power to create future generations opposed to the practice. Future lawyers, jurists, politicians, even work-a-day schlubs. Beloit College offers our latest proof.

Voter Owned Campaign Finance Bill A Waste of Time and Money

The so-called campaign finance reformers are at it again. This time they’ve got a behemoth of a bill only Rube Goldberg could love. A massive, convoluted tome that adds a mountain of rules that would only impact six political races in the entire state. The Governor’s race and the state’s five Executive Council seats.  SB 304- FN-A is AN ACT … Read more

Steve stepanek_launch

It Will Take More Than Money to Fix What Ails The NH GOP

So congratulations to Steve Stepanek on his election as Chairman of the New Hampshire GOP: I don’t disagree that the New Hampshire Republican Party has a money problem. More specifically, that it cannot raise any. But money is not going to be enough to right this sinking ship. This: By patient safety zones, Planned Parenthood … Read more

TP Roll Money

On the Topic of “Free Money” – A Refresher Course

Given the “complexion” of our incoming New Hampshire legislature, we should take a moment to revisit a phrase you’ll be hearing a lot more around the Granite State.  “Free money.” ‘Free money’ is taxes for which (the individual using the term) did not have to “vote” to collect them.  Someone else, further away and more difficult … Read more

Dartmouth’s Ideological Free Speech Divide: Why Democrats Need to Lose Again in 2018

Reposted: Originally Published May 30, 2018 A few days ago, we reported on a survey of Dartmouth student’s that questions their tolerance and diversity when it comes to dating, befriending, or just interacting with someone who has opposing political beliefs. There were no surprises. Democrats shunned the idea while Republicans were much more accepting. Further down … Read more

Team Negron Money Bomb Give $10 to Protect “Ten”

Steve Negron has released his first general election campaign money bomb and we invite you to participate. In an email released moments ago, Team Negron reminds us that, Congressional Candidate Steve Negron has served our country; he has already sworn an oath to protect and defend the constitution. He’s on the record stating that when … Read more

Free Speech Win! IRS Will No Longer Require Certain Donor Lists Up Front

Swamp Rats inside the IRS can’t leak what they don’t have. And thanks to a new rule the IRS will no longer be collecting personal donor data upfront from organizations that include (for our triggered progressive “friends”) unions and Planned Parenthood. The Treasury Department said the policy change will maintain donor disclosure requirements for traditional charity … Read more

Liberal So-Called ‘Campaign Finance’ Group Backs Whiny GOP RINOs To Silence Speech

The digital ink was barely dry on this post when what to my wandering eyes did appear but a mysteriously funded left-leaning campaign finance “reform” group attacking AFP-NH for what amounted to following Campaign Finance Laws. Open Democracy(OD) is a left-leaning affair pushing the left-leaning policy ideas of leftists activist groups and just happens to be an … Read more

NH ACLU: A School “Walkout” is NOT Protected Speech

I wonder where this handy bit of information was when the Marxist Women’s March folks were pouring outside money into their national campaign to waste taxpayer dollars. It says that School Walk Outs are NOT protected by the first amendment. However, a school walkout is not considered the same type of speech as wearing a … Read more

Until the people who claim to want “money out of politics” …

Until the people who claim to want “money out of politics” stop being the same people who want as much money as possible to run through the hands of Washington politicians and bureaucrats, it is a safe bet they are using the idea of ‘campaign finance reform’ to control other peoples political speech.  

Time to Ask Your Legislators to Protect Free Speech in the UNH System

The recently released UNH Interim Report Presidential Task Force on Campus Climate is not about the weather, but it does involve snowflakes. Let me drop one on your tongue so you can get a taste. “UNH must develop a sustainable inclusive campus climate and make diversity and inclusion integral to a 21st-century education where we … Read more