Benjamin Franklin Speech Exposes the Inherent Danger of Power and Money

On June 2, 1787, Benjamin Franklin delivered a speech at the Philadelphia Convention opposing a provision in the proposed Constitution to pay the president a salary. The speech reveals some important aspects of human nature that we should keep in mind today. Franklin submitted a change to the proposed Constitution stipulating that instead of paying … Read more

If Money Isn’t ‘Speech’ Then Boycotts Should Not Work

In the midst of a hookah induced haze (minus the hookah and the haze), something occurred to me. Out of the blue, if you like. The left (and now the right) uses boycotts as speech wherein the denial of commerce is exercised as a political act against a particular business. You deny them your dollars … Read more


Speech Can’t be Funded with Public Money Unless Money…is Speech.

Skip has been sounding the alarm on Democracy Spring, the latest (no-doubt well-funded) progressive-barbarian horde sent to pillage your constitutional rights. But Justice Clarence Thomas, quoted here in Luis v. United States, also makes a case (IMO) for WHY the progressive left’s get-“outside”-money-out-of-elections fraud would violate those rights (emphasis, mine). Constitutional rights protect the necessary prerequisites for … Read more

Just In – Jeb! Bush Opposes Money as Speech, Probably Because It Didn’t Work for Him

It is First in the Nation Primary Day in New Hampshire. Tomorrow the phone will ring less, the mailbox will not runneth over with shiny circus-like campaign literature, and the digital froth in my email, well…this morning I woke to this from NHRebellion: BREAKING NEWS: Jeb Bush calls for Overturning Citizens United to stop Super PAC spending Did … Read more

SB 120 – Money, Speech, and That Which Must Be Inviolably Preserved

Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press. In the NH Constitution, Part I, Article 22;  Free speech and liberty of the press are essential to the security of freedom in a state: They ought, therefore, to be inviolably preserved. Inviolable: Impregnable to assault or trespass.  Invincible. Essential to the … Read more

Gov Phill Scott - Gov Page Screen Grab

Scott Endorses Haley After Equivocating On Divisive Speech

Sundays are usually a day of rest and a time to, if one uses it to reflect on the goodness of God, escape the ubiquitous bad-mouthing of our fellow citizens.  Today in the progressive strong-hold of South Burlington Nikki Haley was visiting Vermonters willing to entertain the idea she still has a chance against Republican … Read more


Flush with Our Money. The US Healthcare System has Never Cared Less.

The politician’s stump speech on how to control private healthcare costs began with the tired bromide that Americans spend 30% more per individual for private healthcare than the rest of the world and had worse outcomes. Fixing the problem required the use of “market forces”.