North Face Drag Queen Spokeperson Pattiegonia

So, Drag Queens Are All About the Sex?

Drag queens are men dressed as clownish caricatures of women performing burlesque. It is about sex and sexuality. But progressives keep saying it ain’t so despite the costumes and the behavior; let them prance about appropriating female stereotypes in front of children.

Barre Planned Parenthood No Longer Performs Abortions

Whether due to a worker shortage, the Dobbs decision, and/or answered prayer, the Planned Parenthood clinic on Washington Street no longer performs abortions, according to its website and anecdotal reports from pro-life activists.

Studen laptop online learning Photo by Compare Fibre on Unsplash

Shutdown & Student Performance: Grantham (part 7 of 8)

In prior installments of this series, state and national standardized test scores in New Hampshire and Vermont contradict the current narrative that the COVID pandemic shutdown caused children to suffer “learning loss.” Instead, the data reveals that the test scores have been deplorable for more than two decades and that they were in decline well … Read more

DeSantis vs. Sununu on Public Education

There is a big difference between Governor DeSantis and Governor Sununu when it comes to improving public education.  Democrats will claim that Republicans do not care about public education because they are the party of tax and spend.

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Equity Kills Excellence

Today America is under attack from within. Among the battles being fought is equity versus meritocracy. This battle is ravaging American institutions. Wherever we look, from the arts to higher education, corporate America, and the sciences, the battle is exacting a high cost.

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Are Babies Worth More Dead Than Alive to Dartmouth Health?

Dartmouth Health sent their white-coated doctors to the public hearing for HB224 in front of the NH Senate Judiciary Committee. HB224 would remove all legal and civil penalties from the Fetal Life Protection Act, which restricts abortion after six months of pregnancy in New Hampshire.

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How To Keep Mindfulness During Online Education

Online education has already become the same full-fledged format as offline. However, with the various possibilities of virtual learning, the requirements for the quality of online education have grown. After all, today online is not so much entertainment as the most effective way to receive and exchange information. For education, access to virtual resources is … Read more

Math ball point pen

Can Racism Be The Cause of Math Illiteracy in Sanborn?

With a new focus on “race” in the public schools, Steven Kryzanowski, Assistant Principal of Curriculum at Sanborn High School recently sent out a list of books for the staff to read.  After several staff members contacted me with concerns about this list, I sent a Right to Know Request to Superintendent Tom Ambrose.

Democrats not distning as they run away from their duty

NH Dems Create COVID19 Super-Spreader Event as They Storm Out of Today’s House Session (While Trying and Failing to Prevent a Quorum)

Democrats talk big about social distancing. The COVID19 voodoo that they do, if you like. But what happens when the parliamentary process does not go their way? They all get up and leave, hoping to prevent the body from having a quorum (that didn’t work) in a crowd, a year’s worth of ‘distancing rhetoric thrown … Read more