City of Nashua seth-dewey-EOlo15oy8Ks-unsplash

Nashua Isn’t Nashua Anymore

I moved into Nashua in 1982 the week after I was honorably discharged from the US Navy. It was still a relatively small “city” just north of the Massachusetts border. Main Street had a movie theater, there were practice soccer fields on Amherst Street, and the only mall was just off Exit 6.

Nashua Mayor Jim Donchess

Nashua Mayor Donchess: Spending Caps Are for Losers

Last week, there was a public hearing in the NH House Municipal and County Government Committee on Senate Bill 52, to restore the spending cap for Nashua, which was struck down by a judge, as well as to protect caps for other towns and cities.

Dark room open door

Keeping Nashua Residents in the Dark

This is how the City of Nashua’s mayor wants transparency but in reality, the mayor is stealing money from the taxpayers’ to pay off for his Downtown Master Plan. Remember the Nashua mayor is only interested in downtown.

NH tax taxes Democrat taxes

What Are Nashua City Officials Doing With Your Tax Dollars?

Nashua residents should get more involved with what their city officials are doing with their tax dollars. They should also consider, the next time they vote for someone running for office, would this person actually represent what the Nashua taxpayer wants and not a political party.

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This Meme About California Reminds me of Nashua and Jan Schmidt

First, it speaks to the idiocy of the Progressive Government. Petty and vindictive, with the promotion of things and actions we used to assign stigma to informally protect traditional society from “infections” that twist it into the Left’s own image. In this, I thought of Steve’s post on Jan Schmidt and Nashua.

Priorities? for Nashua? How’s that work?

CHASER: Walking Hazards: Funding an issue for city sidewalks in disrepair  As they age, many of the sidewalks around Nashua are falling into disrepair. While city officials are aware of the issue, the problem persists due to a lack of available funding…“The city is responsible for the sidewalks. We realize that there are a lot … Read more

Balsams Sits Idle While Otten Fishes for More Investors

Remember the fight to block taxpayer-backed loans for Les Otten’s Balsams Boondoggle? The legislature and then Democrat Governor Maggie Hassan gave it their thumbs-up*. Well, it’s still sitting idle while Les hunts for more private investors. That’s not a good sign. But this is. The New Hampshire Department of Transportation is putting the brakes on a … Read more


If you were not aware, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) hands out loans and grants for things (link fixed) that have nothing to do with agriculture. Who among you is honestly surprised? Very few in this audience. Here’s another one. There are town officials in Henniker, NH who have Barack Obama’s “a phone and … Read more

And now a break from politics for a ‘Grok ‘n Roll update…

Regular ‘Grok readers know that on occasion we veer away from politics when something worthy catches our attention. If you were to ever check out my "about" page, you would find this: Doug has long been a non-conformist who, while generally despising the 60’s antiwar hippie types and their ilk, shares their questioning of authority… and … Read more

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok! Also, I strongly urge – if you can – that you support the Grok!

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My Constituents Want School Choice and Must Be Stopped!

On January 10th, Rep. Laura Sibilia (I-Dover) introduced H.634 – An act relating to school closures and the designation of a public school to serve as the public school of the district. It is another salvo against Vermont’s 150-year-old school choice system, “tuitioning,” and the independent schools that thrive – along with their students – as … Read more

Vote, ballot, ballot box

Election Recount Lawsuit: Paula Johnson vs. City of Nashua

Grok readers should already be familiar with Nashua’s own private citizen, Laurie Ortolano, who has made many watchdog contributions over the years and has a court date next week, but there’s another pro se litigant, Paula Johnson, who also had a court date.