Are Babies Worth More Dead Than Alive to Dartmouth Health?

Dartmouth Health sent their white-coated doctors to the public hearing for HB224 in front of the NH Senate Judiciary Committee. HB224 would remove all legal and civil penalties from the Fetal Life Protection Act, which restricts abortion after six months of pregnancy in New Hampshire.

Related: David Daleiden Uncovers Horrors in Training Program Offered at Dartmouth-Hitchcock

These doctors professed to be very concerned about their ability to hire and retain obstetricians, most especially specialists in maternal-fetal medicine, with those penalties hanging over their heads. Dr. Ilana Cass said she was worried her medical students would leave as soon as they graduate if the penalties remained in force.

I blew the whistle on Dr. Cass to the committee and exposed the reason she fears these penalties. Dartmouth hosts a Ryan Residency program which trains medical students in all types of abortion, including late-term abortion. The program also teaches pro-abortion political advocacy. Here is a capture of the Ryan Residency curriculum from 2017 on the Wayback Machine.

The Ryan Residency training program is based out of the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) which has been performing horrific fetal tissue research as documented on Pro-life San Francisco’s website.

One UCSF researcher was funded by the NIH for 12 years to perform ghoulish experiments with humanized mice until the Trump administration defunded it in 2019.

There is also a Ryan Residency training program at the University of Pittsburgh. In 2021, David Daleiden released a video about ghoulish experiments being performed on late-term aborted babies at the University of Pittsburgh.

The Fetal Life Protection Act restricts the type of abortions in which Dartmouth Health can offer training. It also restricts them from collecting body parts from healthy, viable babies in the last trimester of pregnancy for ghoulish science experiments.

Fortunately, HB224 was killed in a 14-10 vote along party lines by the New Hampshire Senate on Thursday. Thanks to our Republican state senators for voting to protect babies from being killed in abortions in the last three months of pregnancy.

Watch the testimony for HB224.


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