Nashua Performing Arts Center

Nashua Performing Arts Center – Cost overruns?

Nashua residents did not realize how they were going to be taken to the cleaners on this Performing Arts Center. Aldermen Dowd stated in 2017 that he did not care how much it cost but that he wanted the PAC no matter what.  Well, this administration has really given it to the Nashua taxpayers. First, … Read more

Taxpayers Left in the Dark on Performing Arts Funds

The urgency for transparency in using Nashua taxpayers’ hard-earned money is not just important; it’s paramount. As a state that prides itself on transparency, New Hampshire citizens should demand openness and accountability, particularly for publicly funded discretionary projects.

If There is No Fraud, Let us See the Emails

If any Nashua resident feels that the city is transparent, try obtaining the redacted New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) emails that describe the cryptic scheme that resulted in the Performing Arts Center deal. The City does not want residents to see what was done behind closed doors. The Court just denied my Petition for an … Read more

Nashua’s Right Not to Know

If normal people think that they are going to get justice in these times – forget it! I just went to court against the City of Nashua for Right To Know information which they would not give me. I assumed that once in court the city employees would tell the truth under oath but I … Read more

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary

This is an attempt to “break out” memes, links, and my commentary about the situation in Israel / the Middle East so as to not overload the standard meme posts that I do.  My last “normal” meme post.  In these Israel-related posts I don’t just have memes such, but lots of informative links as well … Read more

Scales of justice gavel law court

“No” to Settlements in Nashua RTK Cases

Court Settlements in Nashua are done in bad faith and are unreasonable. They are a ploy to ring up legal bills and produce no records. A settlement is not an admission of guilt, so settling results in no real improvement in the process. (In Nashua, winning in Court has resulted in no real improvement, either.)

Bolton Cummings Nashua

How Much Are Nashuans Willing to Pay For Secrecy?

Citizen participation in their local government depends on the goodwill of those serving. Laws exist that permit citizens access to meetings and records, but without the goodwill of those serving to provide access and records, it all falls apart.

Tim Cummings Nashua Youtube screenshot

Director Cummings – A Right to Know Repeat Offender

I attended the Infrastructure Committee meeting on July 13, 2022 which featured Mr. Cummings as the guest presenter reviewing two bonded projects to redesign West Pearl Street and the Downtown Riverfront Project. The Riverfront Project was rushed through last December, a holiday shopping spree, with a board-approved $2O million bond. Mr. Cummings reviewed with the … Read more

Bitcoin cryptocurrency

New Hampshire, Crypto, and Steel

Governor Sununun recently signed HB1503. It’s a strange combination of things, well – odd to me. It makes New Hampshire more crypto-currency-friendly while providing that the State uses steel made in America whenever possible.

NH State House - Free Images

Celebrate A Week Full of Victory!

There is so much good news to report, so I’ll just start with the best: The effort of DCYF to take RebuildNH co-founder JR Hoell’s children—because he gave his son ivermectin—was dismissed today in Family Court.

City of Nashua seth-dewey-EOlo15oy8Ks-unsplash

Why I Left Nashua

Snow. Once you arrive at the age when you are expected to shovel, snow is no longer exciting. It has morphed from snowmen and sleds and no school days into scooping and scraping and salting and white-knuckle driving. Not my idea of a good time.