Unhinged and Unstable Equals Dangerous

The Democrat Party is unhinged. Unstable leftists are listening. It has become dangerous to be a Republican or a Conservative. With Maxine Waters’ caustic rhetoric, Violence is now all but inevitable. Unhinged is the 69-Year-Old College Professor in Las Vegas who shot himself because he doesn’t like Trump. Left-wing Nut job James Hodgkinson shot Rep. … Read more

Remember When the Democrats Pretended to be Civil?

After the Democrat’s T.E.A. Party shellacking in 2010, there emerged a new narrative called the new civility. The violent left moved to paint the victorious right as uncivil while panhandling the idea that the Left was the party of Civility. We took them to task then, as always, because they’ve never been civil. Democrat-Socialism can’t advance in … Read more

Some Fun at Democrat Expense

Kurt Schlichter has some fun at Democrat expense over at TownHall.com. Here’s snippet. He then turned it over to 105-year-old Nancy Pelosi, who asked, “Where am I?” After [Chuck] Schumer whispered in her ear, she began: “With the economy booming, the stock market setting records, and America defeating ISIS, things have never been worse. That’s … Read more

Sequester Will Destroy 170 Million Jobs

I confess that I missed this (until now). Democrat Maxine Waters (D- Doh!), relieved that she is not in prison for all the corruption she has engaged in while elected to the US House of representatives, is making up for that by just being herself. “We don’t need to be having something like sequestration that’s going to … Read more

What IS that Fair Share, Democrat Socalists?

How much does your pound of flesh actually weigh?  Do you view the successful as sovereign citizens – or subjects to be punished because no one should ever be THAT successful (perhaps, because you think they stole it) ? Obama is crowing “I got Republicans to raise taxes on the wealthy” – thus, fulfilling a … Read more

Left Wing Hyporcisy Must Die!

Closer to home we could have the New Hampshire Democrat Party Must Die. (I know for a fact they’ll never seriously object to the current game and as such the entire state party must be responsible for failing to do so until they all denounce it–their rules.) Terie Norelli, Sylvia Larsen, John Lynch, and Kathy Sullivan, all gore covered, relentless, brain eating, mindless …actually wait.

You got what you wanted, NH GOP – a “W”, but at what price?

Shame on we at the ‘Grok for not doing more for Brendan Kelly, the Libertarian who supports more of the Republican platform and issues that "the union" Republican that won, Kevin Janvrin, in District 14 today. Upon logging into FB tonite after trying to do some catch up posts, I saw the news from Seth … Read more

What would a Ron Paul Presidency do about this?

So here is my question – right now, Israel is an ally of the United States.  What would a Ron Paul Presidency do about this? From Haaretz: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that Iran was determined to eradicate Israel, ISNA news agency reported Thursday. "Iran believes that whoever is for humanity should also be for … Read more

“the TEA Party can go straight to hell”

Concord, NH – In the same week that Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters said "the TEA Party can go straight to hell," an all out civil war is brewing in New Hampshire between "establishment" and TEA Party Republicans. Several factors have been cited in the mainstream media for the discord, but the most identifiable source was … Read more

Impeach Obama

Pointing out let wing hypocrisy is easier than hitting water when you fall out of a boat so when we find an opportunity to point out acts based on some kind of consistent principle it seems only appropriate to reward them with public comment.

Those Funny Progressives…

Video compilation of the stupid, yet scary, statements made by a number of Democrats, who are also Liberls, who are also Progressives, who may also be Socialists.

Comrade Carol Seiu-Porter

A few of you will now point out that one so-called congressional member of the socialist party who just happens to vote like Carol and then donates $1,000.00 to her campaign doesn’t mean anything. Fair enough. So how about twelve members of congress listed as members of the American Socialist Party who vote like Carol an have so far donated a total of $32,000.00 dollars to Carol Seiu-Porter?

75 members of congress who are members of Democrat Socialists of America

This is just a list of those brazen enough to join.   Spread this around! The stigma of being a socialist is apparently fading. Too bad…. It is very alarming that we have 75 Communists in our own Government, occupying our sacred halls of Congress. These commies have infiltrated our government and disguised themselves as Democrats. … Read more

From Day One

"Let me be clear” may be giving way to “From Day one.”  “From Day One” is the new backstop in the absence of physical evidence.  "From day one," the Obama administration was working behind the scenes on a response to the BP oil rig explosion.  You’re damn right they were. Day one began with the … Read more

Guest Post: Let me get this straight…

  by Donna Garner Let me get this straight:  Palin was not even Governor when Trooper Wooten was brought up for disciplinary charges for illegally shooting moose, drinking alcohol while on duty in his patrol car, using a taser gun on his stepson, and threatening to kill Palin’s family members.   Gee whiz, Wooten sounds just … Read more

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Meme Overflow

As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  Reasonably confident about a Friday Overflow-Overflow.  We’ll see.

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse


They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing.  And take heart – there will be a Meme Overflow and I will back-edit to include the link. Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons: