Some Fun at Democrat Expense

pelosiKurt Schlichter has some fun at Democrat expense over at Here’s snippet.

He then turned it over to 105-year-old Nancy Pelosi, who asked, “Where am I?”

After [Chuck] Schumer whispered in her ear, she began: “With the economy booming, the stock market setting records, and America defeating ISIS, things have never been worse. That’s why we need to keep The Resistance going, because it’s been a huge success so far in my district in San Francisco and, I’m sure, in your districts in Manhattan, Chicago, and Havana. And we need to expand our party, which means we need to convince dirty, stupid, transphobic normal Americans to come to grips with their own failings and join us.”

“We could tell them they’re stupid even more often,” suggested Al Franken.

“And racist,” suggested Maxine Waters.

“Also, Islamophobic,” said Keith Ellison.

Sounds about right.

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