Liberal Hypocrisy – Women

The UL has a piece on the Islamic Society of NH; I figured I’d just borrow the image (Steve’s post on this here). SHOT: CHASER: Liberals upset that VP Mike Pense refuses to Vice President Mike Pence has been catching some flack for the revelation that, as detailed in a Washington Post profile, he allegedly refuses to dine … Read more

Illegal Immigrants in Oregon Sue for Privilege to have OR Driver’s Licenses

File this under, “You can’t make this sh$t up.”  Illegal immigrants in Oregon are suing the State to obtain Oregon driver’s licenses, ostensibly to “drive to their jobs.” Pay no mind that they can’t legally work in the United States, being “illegal” and all. The lawsuit is being brought by five illegal immigrants, and is … Read more

White Privilege – history and responsibility

(H/T: Liberal Logic 101)

#WhitePrivilege – yeah, certainly works well for Rev Al Sharpton, eh?

Al Sharpton must think so – tax cheat, advisor to Obama, advisor to self-avowed Communist & NYC Mayor DiBlasio (have you figured out he hates his own NYPD cops yet?), has his own show on MSNBC, and corporations blithely seem to allow him to shake them down for “race cash”. Yup, that #WhitePrivilege working for him! … Read more

NoBrown / Second Amendment Rally: So, Mitch Kopacz, the Concord Monitor is privileged?

So  Mitch Kopacz, President of Gun Owners of NH, what’s the deal?  You REALLY think that “Pravda on the Merrimack” (aka, the outpost of the liberal MSM called the Concord Monitor) is as supportive of the Second Amendment as GraniteGrok is?  And THEY, the reporter and photographer, were then allowed to breeze past the hotel manager … Read more

Alec Baldwin – Card Carrying Member of the Liberal Aristocracy

When you are a member of the protected class you can do whatever you want without fear of being treated like the regular people.  Alec Baldwin is a rich, connected, member of the liberal aristocracy.  When he cries out for the occupy movement and the 99% no one asks him how he can simultaneously accuse rich bankers … Read more


A Sneak Peek At What Marcy Kelley May Have Invited Upon Bow Taxpayers

The Bow-Dunbarton School district has a liberal privilege problem. For the unfamiliar, Liberal Privilege is a lot like radical Islam. If you are advancing the global Ummah, no traditional rules or restrictions apply. You can be a sacrilegious ass and still be rewarded with eternal life, 72 virgins, and all that. Here are a few … Read more

As Predicted: School Gets Sued for Banning Parents Wearing Pink Wristbands

The petty tyrants in the Bow-Dunbarton School district are, as predicted, getting sued. But it’s even better than I imagined. The suit names a handful of entitled pricks from the peace officer sworn to protect and defend the Constitution who stood ready to arrest them (Lieutenant Phil Lamy) to the Superintendent (Marcy Kelley) and School … Read more

The “Deliberate Use of Force by a Government To Intimidate Its Citizens”

Whenever someone says something is a neo-colonial construct, you should look them in the eye and ask how many Legos it took to build that.  Neo-colonialism is a buzzword from the hive mind of a herd of people with obscene amounts of Liberal Privilege.

wind farm sunset Image by Markus Distelrath from Pixabay

White Guilt Wind

If White Guilt needed a poster Girl, there are many from whom to choose, but if you don’t feel like looking, Leah Stokes fits the bill. She is the senior author of a paper funded by pro-wind-energy concerns titled “Prevalence and predictors of wind energy opposition in North America.”

State Senator Domestic Violence

Jeff Woodburn vs. Jeff Woodburn

If you’ve missed the ongoing legal ruckus over (former Democrat State Senator) Jeff Woodburn’s Domestic assault circus, it has been a wild ride. Post-conviction, Mr. Woodburn got the State Supreme Court to dismiss and remand his case because the trial court refused to admit certain evidence.

Chicago is ‘Storing’ Illegal Aliens Like ‘Souvenirs’ at the Airport

The progressives with liberal privilege don’t live in inner cities, so when they defunded the police, the elites didn’t see how it made Black Lives worse. Open borders were the same—no contact with the misery until border Governors started bussing them to Liberal cities.

Teacher’s Union President Blames Public Schools …

This is my first dance with the current Chicago Teacher’s Union president. Stacy Davis Gates sent her son to a private Catholic School. When challenged on that choice, she blamed the lack of school choice, which is racist. School choice is racist, not the lack of it.

flat-tire-Image by Christos Giakkas from Pixabay

Do Enviro-Activists Deflating Tires on SUVs Realize How Bad that is for the Environment?

Does anyone in the army of self-proclaimed activists called the Tyre Extinguishers (deflating tires on SUVs across Europe in the name of their false green god) know how much additional carbon will be emitted due to their actions?

Crack asphault band aid original Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

Cutting Sports or Band from Public Schools Used to Be Bad, Now It’s Social Justice

Government-run education, like everything else with that designation, wastes vast sums of money for negligible output. And cutting corners is a no-go if it means fewer union teachers, no matter what the cuts.

Black Lives MAGA

Remember #BlackLivesMAGA?

We reported on the other BLM in 2020. A group called Black Lives MAGA (#BlackLivesMAGA). “Amidst the scorn, and despite being called c**ns and Uncle Tom’s, a few of us black Trump supporters took to the front to head a collective march thru the streets of Los Angeles, as we all showed support for America, … Read more

Deb Altschiller Patch

Where Li’l Debby Altschiller Hates on Low-Income Women

Democrat Debra Altschiller was recently quoted as referring to schooling anywhere but the blessed government-run schools as “sending our students to siloed and unregulated institutions of indoctrination.”

Upper Moreland School Board Jennifer Solot

School Board Member #Wokesplains Herself Out of Office

If you wanted to find a busy-body-positive social justice gender warrior and had no interest in joining Instagram or TikTok, a school board might be the first place to look for her. Moth to a flame that.

US House or Reps Cannon Office Building - History dot house dot gov

J16? – Colbert Staffers Arrested in Congressional Office Buildings After Hours [Update]

The J6 protesters are accused of insurrection (as reported in the media) for what amounts to trespassing – the thing they are being charged with (not reported in the press). So can we expect similar treatment for a handful of staffers who work for Stephen Colbert?

Leonardo DiCaprio meme Been a Good Run, American Republic

Main Page: Progressives and the Proper Role of Government – and Your Subservience to It.

This is the main repository for Progressives saying the quiet parts out loud – they don’t like America, really don’t like Americans that won’t jackboot to their outlook, and really do hate the US Constitution (and most State ones as well).  Their own words tell us that! Daniel Henninger of the Wall Street Journal sums … Read more